
Monday 25 September 2017


This is one of the neurology videos from Matthew B. Jensen, course introduction to neurology.  Radiculopathy otherwise known as "Sciatica".

Spinal nerve roots damage or dysfunction of the nervous system of the body, that can be a result of injury and accidents.

The condition often begins with lower back pain, and then progresses into sciatica and it can develop over many years. After that you can find that you start getting shooting pains in your hands and arms too, that is another progression of the neurological condition of the spinal nerves.

If you experience foot pain, that then also impacts on the back and the knees, and so it is a continuing pain cycle, of back to foot, foot to back.

Then if you experience the pain in your hands, it is often the case that you experience tautness in the muscles in the neck and shoulders prior to the pain in the hands on a daily basis.

As the condition progresses, in the mornings you may find that you can hardly walk due to your legs from the knee down: due to your muscles being so taut when you wake up and stand on your feet to walk.

If you are experiencing neck and shoulder tautness, you may also experience neurological shooting pains on one side of the head. So for instance if your sciatic condition is on the left side, then the shooting pains in the head are also on the left.

Some consultants might recommend a lot more exercise, although walking too far, or doing too much, can worsen the condition that you are experiencing, especially if you have flat feet, or have decreased in height.

So for instance, you may find that after a lot of activity, as in going out for the day, (even half a day) or doing some gardening etc; you are then experiencing a worsening of the condition afterwards. In this case, you have no choice, but to rest up completely for a few days.

You can still do some muscle stretches, on your rest days, to try to keep some flexibility in your muscles. In fact, I think that muscle stretches are very important. If you have any arthritis then I don't recommend that people swim or spend any amount of time in water other than to bathe and wash.

Water is good for muscle exercise, it's not good for arthritic joints due to rheumatism.

Hence why people with arthritic conditions, often experience more pain linked into what is happening with the weather and can be very weather sensitive. Hence why many older people in northern Europe moved to southern Europe for warmer climates and more sunshine to their bodies.

If you go out in autumn or winter time, make sure that you are completely wrapped up. I remember the days when I used to wear an all-in-one ski suit when going out to keep my body in an appropriate temperature. Lovely and cosy. If you feel the cold, then you are not wrapped up enough and your body will suffer due to it.

We also know scientifically that water carries memory, and if you have any serious health issues, then you really shouldn't be swimming in water in a public place that has the memories of others and their health issues. Also restrict the amount of time that you spend in water while bathing, a quick wash and out again, in fact, a quick shower is more advisable to help clear the auric fields too.

Some people have arthritic conditions with no pain for years. So the type of pain that you are experiencing can determine the diagnosis of whether you have a neurological condition alongside other health conditions.

Another video presentation this time on Mononeuropathy.

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