
Tuesday 12 September 2017


Another lovely song from Lisa Stansfield, "My Apple Heart", from her FACE UP album. Listen baby,  let's talk. I remember the days when some advertising agencies in London, would have a bowl of fruit in reception. Those were the days they were, very enjoyable.

Do you remember the phrase, eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away. I always had a huge fruit bowl for my son when he was growing up. He loved his fruit. Children like their fruit. It was lovely when a child was allowed to choose some tomatoes and strawberries from my garden and eat them.

That little girl will always remember that, and I hope that the little boy will remember eating the coconut oil when his parents brought him to see yours truly. He really liked the coconut.

It's like when my dad would win the coconuts at the fair ground when we were children, the Son of Joseph would crack open the coconuts so that we could eat the coconut and drink it's milk.

When the apples are reduced in price, they are great in different recipes. Economists are saying that BREXIT will lower the price of food and that will be great for every UK family. As food is such a large part of the family budget. Most families cannot afford all of the nutrients that their families require due to the cost of living in the UK, it has soared. That then impacts upon the health of the nations in the UK.

The same happened in other countries in the EU, prices went up overnight, as soon as they changed to the EURO. In Greece, some women had to give their children to Christian charities, as they couldn't afford to feed their children. That is what Angela Merkel and her colleagues have done to Europe. In the UK, millions of people have had to go to food banks, even working families, have been going to food banks.

"Keep my commands and you will live, 
guard my teachings as the apple of your eye". Proverbs 7:2 

I received some great news yesterday, about a person that was involved in the pilot study at Sure Start, the "New Empowerment Model", she is now working in healthcare, and helping families. I am so happy for Sally, and all those that were able to share the journey with us. This news is joyous. 

I remember saying to everyone in the group that I was facilitating in the healing training, "You could be sitting where I am sitting, you can do what I am doing". Those families were given a wonderful opportunity to self-develop, to heal, and to live their dreams. It was Sally that wrote an article about the work that we did together with her son, it was Sally's article that I sent onto an Australian publisher, and the Australian publisher kindly published it for us. Truly, a success story that catapulted everyone involved. 

People in London must have felt the same way when they heard that the little girl that they hired went onto success, eventually having her own agency. The little girl from social housing that became a business woman, how happy they must've been, to hear that yours truly had prospered in the career that had been chosen at that time. 

Talking of London, London just rang after that. 

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. 

I remember the day that we went to share the "New Empowerment Model", stunning results with a couple of our spiritual elders, he was so happy, he was smiling from cheek to cheek. You could say that was my parting gift to him, prior to those elders moving to Spain. 

He left for Spain, truly happy in his heart. Those spiritual elders used to run "Sound and Light" conferences at some of our universities bi-annually. Experts would fly in from all around the world to speak at those conferences. The spiritual elders, Mikhail Baker, and his life partner, Aloha, did a great job. I was blessed to meet them both on the circuit, always in my heart.  

What that English spiritual elder could do with his voice and his conch shell is miraculous. Utmost respect! 

Humble hearted, he would say, "we are travellers on the path".  Oh, yes, the highway of holiness. 


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