
Sunday 3 September 2017

Madonna Dream

I had a strange dream today, after feeling that I had to lay down and rest this Sunday. In the dream I was in a hotel, and a strange woman had entered my room and was taking some of my jewellery.

I caught her doing it, and she had taken one of my gold bracelets, I made her give the bracelet back and anything else that she took. We then chatted about her circumstances and how she came to be staying in the hotel.

After that I appeared to be in a restaurant that I had been in earlier, earlier in the day the hotel restaurant was serving up all types of great food. However, when I went to eat at the restaurant, I was told that the restaurant had been booked for a private party, so I didn't get to eat anything.

After that I appeared to be in a different place and location and I was talking to the singer Madonna, I said to her that I thought that she was a much nicer person than she portrays herself to be, and that what the public see is an act. Madonna was pleased that I could see beyond appearances into her heart, and she was quite coy and surprised by what I had said to her. We carried on talking and arranged to meet again.

In dream interpretation to dream of a famous person is significant, as it means that you will receive help from where you least expect it, an unexpected return.

To dream of a solo singer can predict a gradual introduction into a new and exciting social environment. Never mind about the hotel that you were in, something much better is coming, never mind about the people in the restaurant that refused to serve you, a different opportunity is coming. In dream interpretation, being in a hotel can indicate a satisfying achievement, although other aspects of the dream have to be analysed.

Think of it this way, the hotel in the location that you were in, you were satisfied that what was yours was given back to you. Although you had to leave due to the private party that was happening, it is important that you move on for your own good and prosperity.

Remember the woman that took the bracelet that you had gifted to your mother, had to return it to you, as it belonged to you. As far as the jewels are concerned, it is a message of warning to be extra cautious in business. If you recovered what had been taken during the dream, then that bodes well for the present and your domestic situation.

Interesting that the 59 year old, Madonna is moving on from America, as she is moving to Europe again, this time to Portugal. Also interesting that Donald John Trump's sons took over the hotel business, and his wife was involved in jewellery. So we have hotels, jewellery, restaurants and madonna all in the same dream time.

That then reminds yours truly of the farming mandala that was given to a mum to take back to Portugal with her a couple of years ago. There is a lot of spirituality in Portugal, I think Madonna will like it on that land, and it is close to England for her to come to see her other son too.

Portugal is a lovely country to retire in, if you can afford it. I would really like to be able to make a visit to Portugal, and to see that young family again. It certainly looks like this mandala was prophetic, now that madonna is going to live in Portugal.


How amazing is that, the news is that madonna is also living in a hotel until her property is refurbished.

Madonna moves to Portugal and restores an historic palace, you know what the bible says about palaces don't you.

Creativity in Portugal, new music and a new film that the singer is working on. A new life for her family in Portugal, new opportunities in the third phase of her life.


  1. Why can't Sheba have Solomon in this lifetime? That is her one true love

    1. As far as I am aware, the re-incarnation of Solomon has passed over in recent years.
