
Wednesday 6 September 2017

FACE-OFF Message

Last night prior to sleep I was given the word "Melchizedek", then when I woke up this morning, the  message received was 'FACE-OFF". "FACE-OFF", is an expression that refers to a direct confrontation between two people or groups e.g. "a face-off for the championship title". It can also mean to prepare for a confrontation.

There is certainly a face off in the UK, in the media today it mentions how the workers are taking on McDonalds, and they have gone on strike due to working conditions, and zero-hour contracts. McDonalds is a franchise operation.


Meleki-sedeq in the Hebrew text. While I was in Israel a young man spoke to me about Israel and how when Melchizedek speaks the Jewish people will listen. What I can tell you from my experiences of him, when he is around, there is usually an important divine intervention. 

The sages know of him as refreshing people on their journey, ( he kept yours truly on the right track, and didn't let me waiver from it) and there is an ancient rite in Judaism with the bread and wine.

How they poured the wine over the bread and than ate it, combining both the masculine and feminine energies together. From my experience I know that he is involved in discipline, and he can be very strict. He is a male energy of few words, although what he says, is profound. He has beautiful eyes, and has a strong, big Jewish build and stature. He's incredibly masculine and like a giant to look at when seen.

From a Jewish perspective.

Bread was known as life giving as people depended on being able to eat to live, both Elijah and Jesus spoke of making sure that you have plenty of flour and oil. In ancient cultures wine was associated with mysticism and to this day, some Jewish people, including spiritual Israeli's still put out a glass of wine, and a meal placing for Elijah.

The Israeli's did feed yours truly, bless them, their hospitality was wonderful. Jewish people and their food, one of the first things this mum used to say to people, when they came to my home, "have you eaten, would you like something to eat", I'd cook most anytime, day or night.

When the ancient of days gives his orders, you have to do as you are told, for righteous reasons and divine purpose. I do have something that I have been prepared to confront, and I was prepared for it a long time ago.

However, it is how we communicate what has to be communicated that is crucial to the success of the delivery. Mercury is on the move again, so it is a much better time for communication now and I have had the moon under my feet since I was seven years old, when I stood on a glass in a river in Kent. The scar is in the arch of my left foot, just as my left hand was also pierced twice during my young life.

Have I been questioning in my thoughts, whether I should speak up on a particular issue, I have received confirmation, "Face-off",  that I must speak up for as Jesus said previously, "Silence is compliance", "People are not a commodity, without love they become so",  and the heavenly Father said, "They must hear your voice".

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