
Saturday 2 September 2017


While walking this evening the message is "BUTTERS', so now I have to think about what butters and what recipes I can make with different butters this week. I have mushrooms that I like in garlic butter, I have coconut oil, and palm oil that is like a butter, I can make almond butter too.

I quite fancy a mushroom curry cooked in coconut oil, butter and garlic. Served with white fish, cod, cooked in butter, a honey and sesame sauce, and rice already cooked in turmeric and saffron, sprinkled with lemon juice and fresh coriander. Fresh salad could include chives, lettuce, celery, and basil with some homegrown tomatoes. The last of the season now.

My joints are aching, people keep on telling me that it's my age, although it is a biblical prophecy.

I am divinely guided to have "BUTTERS", so a week of butter recipes it is. I like omelettes cooked in butter too, great for breakfast with cheese and homegrown herbs.

That reminds me of my childhood, when my dad would make butter balls for me to eat. The things he did to coax the child to have enough nutrients. I do have some butter each day, although the message is clear that I have to increase my intake. Do you remember what the medical profession were saying about butter in the 80's, lo and behold, my mum ignored the doctors advice in respect of butter, we always had real butter in our home. I always gave my son real butter too!

Coconut oil is great for massage, with some lavender oil in it, although another butter is Shea Butter for muscles and joints. It comes from the nuts from the Shea tree.

Medical study.

Aromatherapy text books recommend rosemary, I do like Rosemary, garlic bread with herbs, delicious. A rosemary butter would be great to try too. My son loved his garlic bread when he was growing up, he certainly grew into a physically strong young man, he was well fed by his mum.

I remember the day he came into where I was sitting on the computer, and he said excitedly, "Mum, mum, I'm inspired", he'd found the cranberries and decided to make cranberry pancakes for us both. That's a lovely memory to have, a son that is inspired.

I'm excited today, three of my lemon seeds have sprouted and now potted, lemon butter, oh yes. 

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