
Tuesday 29 August 2017


Front page news yesterday, THE TIMES, featured an article about the white Christian child that was forced into Muslim foster care. The case about the five year old, was also featured in the Daily Mail, on-line BREITBART, and Christian Today. MP's are calling for a thorough investigation of the case that happened in Tower Hamlets.

It has also been noted that British social services have been "anti-Christian" in their decision making, as it was discovered that social services gave a foster child up for adoption to a gay couple, denying the Christian foster carers the opportunity to adopt the child that they had fostered.

Hence, there is huge "discrimination" going on British social services, and "prejudice" against Christians. The Christian couple were good enough to be foster carers, as such, they should've been allowed to adopt the child that they had kindly fostered. 

"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love" 2 John 1:6. 

Walk in love not a burka. In scripture gay people are defended if they do the will and commands of the LORD, as written in the Isaiah prophecy for the last days of the end times. However, we cannot agree to gay couples being given preferential treatment, and most families would not agree with children being adopted by gay people either.

Some members of the LGBT community also do not agree with marriage either, as such, even in the LGBT community, there is not a total agreement to it. If LGBT people wish to get married then fine, although bringing children into their gay relationships  - is a very different matter indeed. Children require stability and safety, not people that are into "gender issues" all of the time.

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