
Saturday 12 August 2017


I was gifted with a large container yesterday, and it is an ideal size for my turmeric to go in. So off we go, the turmeric is in the soil, in the container and the container is draining great. I'm keeping it inside for now, until the roots get used to being in soil, and they feel nice and cosy in their new container home.

My body was asking for butter beans today. So a butter bean dish was made and it included home grown tomatoes and salsa, onions, aubergine, mushrooms, some green pepper, garlic, and a choice of fresh herbs. I also cooked some wild rice with onions, grated carrots, and grated turmeric. The two dishes together were lovely. With cooking and planting, turmeric is both eaten and farmed.

The mustard and cress is sprouting up with the new lettuces from seeds. The main chilli plant keeps on flowering, it can't be long now before we see some fruit. The tomato plants are still providing fruit,  overall it's been a great first farming season for yours truly. The blackcurrant and blueberry bushes are in, hopefully we will see some fruit on them next year.

More herb oils are being made, mint, sage, and basil. I will have plenty of oil for the wintertime.

It will be great to work with Saffron too, I've always liked the crocus.

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