
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Seagulls Warning

Seagulls come in land with a warning, there is a storm at sea UK.  Seagull's screaming, seagull chatting on a rooftop. Chat, chat, chat, the seagull says, listened to the chatting prior to the flight.

The birds are interesting, they always come to where I can see them, and what they're doing and saying. The Seagulls weren't interested in the food that was there for them today, they didn't come in land today because they were hungry, they came in land with a warning about the storm that is brewing.

Seagull, a great little book to give to children to read.

As far as the annual London carnival is concerned, they should hold it in a London stadium to contain it and provide the appropriate security checks. That would protect the police from attacks, and the general public. 

1 comment:

  1. Chemical haze south coast.
