
Wednesday 23 August 2017


While bathing yesterday, I massaged my face and arms with greek yoghurt with fresh lemon juice and my blended drink as been banana, pineapple, lemon juice, greek yoghurt, sesame seeds. I had a nutrient drink as I haven't felt much like eating during the total solar eclipse. Although I did manage to get a little home made chicken soup inside me. 

Anyway, while in the bath relaxing in the water, the LORD began to speak to me, he said, 'GET UP", I said, "I can't", altogether he asked me to "get up" three times, three times, I said, "I can't", I really was seeing what he would say, when I said, "I can't". The fourth time that he spoke he said, "try again", I replied, "I will try again". He then said, "when you try again, say, "my LORD and saviour get's me up". So I did as I was told when I got out of the bath. 

That would make a lovely sonnet to God wouldn't it, he gets me up, he gets me going, I have to do what he tells me to do, or else, I don't like the consequences. Big smiles! 

Being serious though, I get the feeling that he does not wish for my body to be submerged in water for a long time. In fact, I think he would prefer it if I showered instead. What's interesting about the timing of this message is that my gran, Sophia believed that it had been water that had caused her rheumatism and heart condition when she was a teenager. Her doctor also became a leading professor in heart surgery, whereas my surgeon became a leading professor in laser surgery specialising in working with "pre-cancerous cells" patients. 

The other internationally renowned professor that worked with yours truly, was Professor James Tanner. The Telegraph doesn't have the whole story, as it doesn't include the other children like myself that worked with him. His department will certainly have all of our names in their archives, and I still have photographs that they took each year on the balcony in Coram Fields.

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