
Monday 21 August 2017


It's interesting that gout is experienced mainly by men, and the main cause is too much cooked food, men do like their food don't they.

Dr Berg recommends lemon juice and cherries. Lemon juice is an essential for the brain as it helps the brain to assimilate Vit C. Of course more raw food is also an essential with people with this health condition due to the amount of uric acid crystals in their bodies. If you experience this health condition, your menu's seriously have to be looked at, if you would like to alleviate it.

It's interesting when you look at the flowers of a particular fruit, and how many petals they have, five petals and five is the numeric of the physical.

I had my first operation at the age of ten days for an hernia due to the doctor cutting my cord too short, so not surprised that the baby liked to suck lemons. Also interesting that I would suck the vinegar out of pickled onions and gherkins. My parents thought it was quite strange for a baby to do so. Clearly, the baby was very intelligent and knew what it's body required, an old soul. Intelligence comes from the heart, proven by science. 

The body was meant to process food, not eat processed foods. I would also recommend celery for the adrenals because the condition would indicate that the body requires a lot more detoxification. The adrenal glands impact upon the kidneys. Celery has an ancient history in being a medicinal food and it grows so quickly and easily in the garden. I've been most impressed with the power of celery, like the lemon it is high in Vit K, so great for brain assimilation too.

In my own experience arthritis is caused by an injury, and cuts to the body, in my case it was due to two piercings in my left hand, a dog bite, (in school years) and a nail going into my left hand in my 20's. It is scientifically proven, that cuts in childhood mutate genetics and I still have the scars to prove it, YW! 

I also stood on a glass in the river medway in childhood, and that is how I came to have the moon under my feet, again another scar for identification. Do you have any scars on your hands or feet, ponder upon it!


Power of Cherries

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