
Tuesday 22 August 2017

Freedom of Speech Event Cancelled

Two professors in Canada have been stopped from speaking at a freedom of speech event at a university. Both academics have attracted an on-line following due to the willingness to put their lives on the front line to speak the truth as they view it. They engage people to think for themselves, and to consider the implications of various different realities.

One of the professors, Gad Saad, is a Jewish man that had to flee Lebanon, so from personal experience, he has a lot to share too.

The media discuss why this event was cancelled, in effect, banning academic speakers from speaking,  are these people rational in any form they choose to take, I don't think so.

Common sense will prevail, as we cannot abide by young people banning the freedom of speech of others who are doing their utmost to open up the discourse between the peoples, cultures and different ideologies. Anyone that tries to stop these two professors from speaking, should really look within themselves for the reason why, for what they "accuse" these professors of, is actually what the "accusers"are, and we know what team they are on.

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