
Saturday 26 August 2017


This August there has been a report of white paint with a message that has been put on a church in Luton. The church is being called out for not sharing the information about the end times, the last days of the end times. Luton is also an area that has been taken over by Muslims, an area where the indigenous people are a minority, as such, it is clear that the church did nothing to try to stop the Islamic invasion of that community.

So let's have some end time prophecy. Ezekiel 31 mentions the fact that the "ruler of nations" would take out the Pharaoh (Obama) and all of it's organisations. Yesterday there was news that Donald J Trump is stopping all funding to Egypt due to the human rights issues.

It was Muslims that helped Obama to get elected. In fact, it is a known fact that in 2007, Muslims were predicting the next president of America would be a Muslim president. People knew that the election had been fixed, and Americans know that the Obama was only meant to have one presidency, not two. What happened at voting booths to get Obama in office the second time has been exposed by Project Veritas.

History shows us what manifested, and the panther is mentioned in both the book of Daniel and Rev 13. Wisdom was called to do the count on the man as the prophecy said that she would be. America the home of the "Black Panthers".

Last night there was news that Buckingham Palace is on lockdown, due to a man attacking the police with a 4ft sword.

I thought Theresa May said that the army were going to be replacing the police at places like that. Also in the news today, soldiers in Belgium have been attacked by a Somali Muslim.

As prophecy forewarned, "Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame, and Esau will be stubble". People in the UK are calling for Jacob Rees-Mogg to become PM. I think a Jacob government would look very different to a Theresa government. Jacob supports BREXIT, and Trump.

Have you called out your local churches and their leaders, I did call out two of them, although many more of them have to be addressed.

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