
Monday 21 August 2017


I had boiled my chicken to get as much chicken brine from the bones as possible for collagen.

Prior to stripping the chicken from the bones, to put into another pot with with the brine, (bones etc removed).

My chicken soup includes, leeks, potatoes, onions that were cooked with the chicken, two more cloves of garlic, a small dish of some home made salsa, homegrown celery with leaves, pearl barley and some black pepper.

While I was putting the celery into the soup, I received a message, Vitamin B5. 

Pantothenic acid is referred to as vitamin B5 and Pantothenic acid is an essential nutrient. It's name derives from the Greek "panthothen", meaning "from everywhere". The link says that it can be obtained from egg yolks, avocado, liver, dried mushrooms and sunflower seeds. Interesting that I bought some alfalfa to try last week, and alfalfa is given to animals for B5.

Pantothenic Acid

Although you can also get it from chicken and sweet potatoes.

When the soup was on, I then began to prepare my mushrooms for a different dish Although, a mushroom omelet would be ideal for boosting B5.

Funny how I keep on seeing mushrooms when I go for a walk, I even have some growing outside my lounge window. After receiving the message I did put a few mushrooms in the soup. Although I had a nice garlic, and herb and mushroom omelet too, I like fresh homegrown oregano and basil in omelettes with red onion. I don't eat cauliflower anymore due to having had some oral health issues, if you have any oral issues, don't eat cauliflower or broccoli.

So Vitamin B5 is my total solar eclipse message from the heavenly Father, he often talks to me while I',m cooking, he does like me to eat and feed the body with all of the important nutrients.

My nutrient fruit drink today, is going to be a banana, with white grapes, Greek yoghurt, and pineapple, with some fresh lemon juice and I snack on dates, oh I do like them.

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