
Monday 3 July 2017

Salford University - Zamzam Ibrahim


What to do with the Swedish-Somali Muslim woman that was given the privilege of becoming the boss of the National Union of Students at Salford University.

If you don't like the loving kindness of our country, that gave you the opportunities that you have been given, then leave it.


1. Remove Zamzam Ibrahim from the responsible position at the NUS.

2. Remove Zamzam from the university.

3. Provide her with deportation papers, deport her immediately, enough is enough.

Any Muslim, male or female that promotes an Islamic takeover of our country must be deported forthwith. How to respond to it, legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

In Paris, Paris Gets ‘No-Go-Zone’ Warning App.

I agree with the journalist Douglas Murray, the politicians have been "cowards" in responding to Islam and so are the media.

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