
Tuesday 11 July 2017


I now have three cherry seeds that have sprouted and they are getting stronger every day.

A list of published research into cherries. 

I now have three cherry seeds that have sprouted and they are getting stronger every day. 

I ate a 1lb of cherries at the weekend and bought some more yesterday. You can freeze cherries too, my experience is that cherries are great for anyone that might experience lymphedema. It is often the case that lymphedema can be hereditary. As it is often the case that family medical history can show you what you have inherited in your genetics particularly from the female line. 

If you are known to have the physical body shape of the female line, then it is likely that you will also genetically inherit some of the health conditions that were experienced by that female line. In some cases it can be to a lesser extent and shows that you have always had a susceptibility to it. So for instance a grandmother with a heart condition, the daughter didn't have a heart condition, although she had the high blood pressure, the next generation in the female line, lymphedema that the grandmother also experienced. 

Then in the male line if there was any vascular health issues too. What's important is to ascertain when the health condition began, and what was going on in your life at the time that the health condition was triggered into manifestation. Then you have to make sure that you give your bodies the specific nutrients that your body and those health conditions require.

Food is great for healing purposes, although you have to know what you are doing with it because what is great for one health condition, may not be appropriate for other health conditions that you may be encountering. So you have to have the bigger picture and panoramic view of the situation at hand, because if not treated, one health condition, can lead to a further and bigger health condition to combat and be challenged by.

Cherries remind me of blood cells, little round blood cells. Although as you age, your skin becomes thinner, and in the thinning skin, it makes your body far more susceptible to health conditions from the family line. Then you have to look at your birth chart, and what planetary configurations determine your susceptibilities from your time of birth. What happened during the birth, and how your body was impacted upon it. As we know scientifically that any cuts in childhood, mutate the genetics that can co-create skin conditions and allergies.

Hence, it is not just about strengthening your vascular system, you have to strengthen your skin too. Just like you can strengthen your nails by eating dairy products, so for instance if my nails go soft, I then increase my dairy intake, especially cheese. If you are able to strengthen your nails naturally, then surely, you are able to strengthen other systems and areas of your body, if and when you provide your body with the correct nutrients that it requires.

English cherries are in season, and my cherries have come from our farmers in Kent. Grown by Paul Mansfield, variety Lapins, plump and sweet cherries.

English Cherry Production

History says that it was Henry VIII that gave the order for the cherry tree to be brought to England.

He was certainly a big man that liked his food. I remember when the Son of Joseph used to put cherries on our ears, as earrings in Kent. He certainly liked his cherries.

As he said, "Forget-me-not". 

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