
Tuesday 18 July 2017


Minerals are crucial for healthy bodies, and potassium is imperative. So how many potassium rich foods do you have in your daily, weekly and monthly menu. Have you considered it's importance.

Did you know that the American diet has a 98% potassium deficiency, best not to eat an American diet.

Food impacts on health. This post was a look at European health stats and how in the 70's, the Brits were outliving the Italians, and now the Italians are outliving the Brits.



When I was on the Ketonic diet, over 15 years ago, my menu's changed, and as such it changed my view of food altogether. I began to eat raw spinach as salad, and I really like raw spinach covered with raw tomatoes, covered with mozzarella cheese, covered with olive oil and some oregano herbs.

Sometimes I would also include avocado, some red onion, olives and a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar. A great and refreshing summer lunch. Egg mayonnaise goes great with it too. I also like watercress with it, and watercress is great for getting more oxygen to the brain.

I am in for extra potassium boosters this week, with fresh spinach, avocado's, homegrown tomatoes, I might also have some homegrown celery, as it looks great. The celery leaves are so powerful. I think we should have a national tomato festival in the UK, to celebrate our English produce and encourage our people to eat more fresh tomatoes. Truly wonderful fruit!

Gastrophysics, the first international symposium was held in Copenhagen in 2012. "The emerging science of gastrophysics". The new science of eating.

Last night I had 200g of cherries for afters, this morning I had another 200g of cherries for breakfast.

My lymph glands do like cherries, as I see a positive response in my body after eating cherries.

The power of cherries.

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