
Thursday 20 July 2017


Women particularly can and do experience insomnia during the menopause. So this post is about foods that you might like to try to help you with it. What you find is that as you age, there is greater impact on your body and bodily systems, as such, you have to give your body specific boosters of nutrients to counteract it.

As we know sleep is essential for the regeneration of the body especially in times when the body is going through major changes, another reason why young children should have their afternoon sleep.

Children go through growing spurts while growing up, and they can experience what parents used to call "growing pains".  In teenage years that is often felt in the joints, as such, specific foods should also be provided by parents to help with that too. It's not just about bones either, as the bodily systems that support the bone structure also have to be helped with extra nutrition.

It's interesting what foods children choose when they are very young, my son loved his kiwi fruit the best. I liked lemons and tomatoes and I am sure it is due to the soul knowing what the body requires, and so compels the children to eat what their little bodies require intuitively. Of course, children have to be offered options to choose from, this is also empowering for children, as they have the right to choose what their soul determines. If parents don't like a specific food, it doesn't mean that their child won't, you have to let the children try different foods, and see what suits their taste buds.

I wasn't a kiwi eater, but my son was, although three decades later, I do like kiwi's now in smoothies for collagen boosting.

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