
Tuesday 18 July 2017


I've been looking at these health reports on the fact that the Italians live longer than the British, whereas in the 1970's, Britons were living longer than the Italians. The report says that the Italians also have more years of good health before "disease and disability" set in too.

On life expectancy the Brits came in at 14th place, whereas Italy has risen from 5th place to 2nd place ahead of France, Germany and Sweden. Some write that is astonishing when you consider that the Italians have been heavy smokers, they earn less, they spend less on healthcare, and live longer than us, quoting from the report. The BBC report that the Lancet looked at a 20 year progression, and the UK did poorly in comparison with health outcomes in 19 countries.


What we do know about Italy is that it has the most ecological land in Europe, it's farmers stood up to the corporations. Hence, the Italians put the quality of their food above yields, the Italians put nutritious food in the forefront of their lives. I remember the days of five hour long lunches of five courses in Italy, incredible. Italian food is wonderful, farmed, cooked, and prepared with love.

Italy also gets a lot more sunshine than the Brits do too, and the Brits can't afford to go on holidays like they did in the 70's, due to EU membership and the EURO. A lot of Brits actually moved abroad for health reasons, to be in a better climate for their health. Southern Europe being the area that most Brits moved too for the sunshine and healthy food.

However, the fact that the health of the UK has changed so drastically, as to be looked at deeply. It's no coincidence that it aligns with EU membership and it's impact upon our countries.

Certainly convenience food, processed foods, food prices and multi-culturalism has been a factor in changing what people in the UK have eaten since the 70's. The fact that British people were outliving the Italians, in the 70's, indicates that there has been a major change to our culture, that the cultural food changes have not been healthy for our country in the medium to longer term.

Health professionals will often ask what you eat and drink, whether you smoke or drink, in Italy they smoke and drink. Although drinking wine is usually with food.

Italy, Life and Health

Spain, Life and Health

The word given is TOMATO. They certainly eat a lot of tomatoes in Italy and Spain, and they are so easy to grow. Did people in the UK eat more English tomatoes in the 70's, than they do now, that would be worth looking into.


Let's see what the UK tomatoe producers have to say about it. On this link they mention what has happened to some of the imported tomatoes, particularly Spain and the South American tomato.

Over three-quarters of tomato fruit consumption in the UK is imported fruit. 

The UK has definitely imported more fruit since the 70's and that fruit can be at least seven day's old prior to it reaching the stores. Surely, eating the freshest fruit in this case is the best, and the freshest fruit is going to be local. In fact, you can even grow your own.

Tomato growing is definitely increasing in the UK, see the link from the British farmers. Yields now have also increased since 25 years ago. Yippee!

Miracle Fruit Report

Tomato week in the UK was in May 2017. The farmers annual conference was in July 2017.

As Maggie Thatcher said, "Buy British". 

Support our local farmers and agriculture, the NFU say that our farmers manage 75% of our land in the UK. Our farmers defending the land and green spaces at the same time as growing food for our nations.



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