
Thursday 13 July 2017

Children Nervous System Disorders

Back to the nervous system again, Thomas Cowan, M.D. shares in this article on "Nutrition and the Nervous System", that there has been an explosive rise in the number of children diagnosed with disorders of the nervous system.

In the article Thomas mentions the outcome of the two year study that was done at Great Ormand's Street Children's Hospital in London. When the children suffering from epilepsy, were put on a low carb, high protein diet, their epilepsy stopped. Epilepsy is considered to be a neurological disease.

Thomas makes the case that all people that suffer from any neurological conditions, should in fact, be given a ketonic diet. The doctor cites the case that Steiner made about the importance of animal fats to the health of the children, and if children have too little fat then they will hunger for warmth.

He says, "It was clear to me, observing people on the ketogenic diet, that it had a profoundly calming effect on the nervous system. In anthroposophical medicine we often relate an overly 'cold and brittle' nervous system to a thin-skinned nervous child".

Certainly growing children with a growing bone structure require all of the most appropriate nutrients. It's so important that children grow with strong bones to sustain their physical activity.

Certainly there are foods that are particularly relevant to the brain and the neurological system, although it is rare that in adults in later years, that there is only one condition to take into account.

It is usually the case that there is more than one health condition to unravel, because if there isn't early intervention, then one health condition can lead to a further condition that is much more to combat and be challenged by.

The lack of an early diagnosis is a serious complaint by many patients that are referred for a health investigation by the medics. Some health conditions are so common now, that you would think that the patients own doctor would have the know-how to diagnose. I agree that nutrition is a very important factor, but it is not the whole story, due to the quality of the soil that farmed food is grown in.

Also it is absolutely essential that the brain receives enough oxygen, and the older that people get the less oxygen they have. Depending on the birth process, especially if the birth was traumatic, then less oxygen gets to the brain of the child being born at the crucial time.

Let us not forget that the animals are also eating from the land, as such, they're not getting all the nutrients that they were getting 100 years ago either, and Steiner was fully aware of the state of the soil in his timeline. What the body requires is more natural minerals, due to the lack of minerals in the soil due to over-farming. The soil requires rest, just like young children require their afternoon rest, and adults require proper sleep time for the body to regenerate too.

Of course, with the high cost of living in the 21st century, and the high cost of meat, few families can afford to feed their children animal fats, due to austerity, even if they wished to do so. So now it isn't just about the nutrients in the soil, it is also about the cost of food that has soared, especially since we moved into the new millennium. The quality of the food that people put into their bodies is imperative, better to have less of a higher quality, than more that is of a lesser quality.

Also as far as the older generations are concerned, the older that people get, the gentler the food as to be for the neurological and digestive system, little and often is best. Also the body was built to process food and not eat processed food, so there has to be a balance. Also we can attain animal fats without actually eating meat. I have goats milk for health reasons, and I like goats cheese too.

Although I had roast chicken today, as my body was asking for roast chicken, a roast dinner with three vegetables, and a homemade sage and onion stuffing with lemon thyme and olives. Delicious.

As the bible says, better a dinner of vegetables with love, love being a major key to the food that you eat. In some translations it is herbs. Proverb 15:17.

Is the food grown with love, is it prepared with love, is it cooked with love, is it eaten with appreciation, ponder upon it! What is important is that the body is fed with love from a pure heart and that food is honoured for it's sheer importance of sustaining life.

"One who loves a pure heart, and who speaks with grace, will have the king for a friend". Proverb 22:11. Interesting prophecy in that Proverb, those that were present at the time comprehend it.

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