
Thursday 6 July 2017


The first time I had heard of the "Balfour Declaration", was when the heavenly Father spoke of it.

All these years later, it is the centenary. In this video, a Jewish member of the House of Lords commemorates it. Jonathan Sacks, such an intelligent and kindly man. He has the utmost respect of his colleagues in England, the land of the Son of Joseph.

Long live Israel, always in my heart, love triumph's.

I noticed today, that the first cherry seed as germinated, so it looks like we will have a cherry tree. The first seed as germinated much quicker than I thought it would, how wonderful is that. I'm now working on date seeds, to see how quickly they will germinate too. Seeds from a tomato and a chilli, germinated too, they sprouted and are growing gently. A garden of fruit that loves the sunshine, close to the herbs and lavender.

It was around the time of the introduction of the "Balfour Declaration", that it was discovered by the scientists that the soil in Europe was lacking in nutrients and essential minerals, due to the ground being farmed too much. Strictly speaking the soil should be given a year's rest every seven years, even the soil requires time to restore and regenerate.

I'm in a nine year of my life cycle, completion and divine love. Bringing everything to fruition in my home and life, saying thank you to my forever friends. 

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