
Saturday 15 July 2017

Ancient Documents - South Jerusalem

Eyewitness accounts, ancient documents, archeological discoveries and a Theodolite line from a 1st century synagogue, - all point to a possible location of the original Jewish temple. Interesting that it points to the southern direction, as the direction of the south is important in biblical prophecy.

Also while walking through the Jewish quarter it is most peaceful for the soul. While walking through the old city in September 2007, I did notice the difference in the energies, I could feel it, sense it, and know it. The Armenian quarter was also peaceful. There is CTV throughout the old city, so it must be known where I was led to walk.

Interesting that I was compelled to bring back sea shells from the Israel sea shore, all of those years ago, you will find sea shells in many ancient paintings, and decorative items, as sea shells are used for healing purposes. 

I was given OLIVE divinely in December 2016.  After I was given the OLIVE, I then spread the paint of the Olive Tree. So I am not surprised to hear of the olive tree mentioned in that video. 


December 2016 

There was a warning given in the proverbs to not remove the ancient landmarks. Proverb 22:28.

Some more information about the archeological dig mentioned in the video.

When I got up today, after my breakfast of cherries. I was given the word "ART". 

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