
Monday 19 June 2017


In the dream with the skip in it, there was a van with some men in the dream also as written about the day that I received the dream.


Now there has been an incident in Finsbury Park, at the mosque there and in one of the interviews, a Muslim from the mosque was smiling. I can assure you that if I had just witnessed an "attack" on others, while in the same area where it happened. I would not be smiling about it.

Especially, as I had the dream of the men in a van and it included a fridge, a bed, and other electrical appliances on the morning of the Grenfell situation being revealed.

In Finsbury Park, that mosque was the mosque mostly associated with Jeremy Corbyn, he even invited Donald Trump to visit it when he came to England. A mosque that has consistently promoted violence against others to its attendees. A British undercover TV documentary was filmed, and it included people from that mosque.

We cannot condone violence against anyone. We await further information on the incident, although the hoards of Muslims immediately jumped on the band wagon and have been making "death threats" on-line on "Al Quds day".

"Al Quds Day"

Some are saying that this is a race issue, it certainly is not about race, Islam is not a race. Remember this that the Hezbollah flags were flying yesterday in London, a march that Sadiq Khan was asked to cancel due to it being explosive. Why didn't he cancel the march, he supports Muslims standing against one country, Israel.

There have even been white Muslims that attended that mosque in Finsbury Park, although the picture of the man that was arrested doesn't look white to me or others. The van, a hired van  identified as coming from a Welsh company.

Another aspect of this is that the supposed eyewitnesses in Finsbury Park are giving different accounts of what happened.  I seriously would not trust anyone that came out of that mosque, due to it's history.

So for now, keep calm, let the police do their job, to collect the evidence that they require, as it could be a situation of mosque members -v- mosque members, as the mosques do have their gangs. Plus the fact, that it is usually the Muslims that drive into people intentionally. At this point anything is possible.

I did notice on-line last night, that the London ambulance had written that they had been called to a "road traffic collision". That could indicate that there was another vehicle or vehicles involved. It was also shared today that the man that passed over was already on the pavement receiving first aid, prior to the vehicle arriving in that direction.

Stay calm everyone, stay in your peaceful hearts, for that is your sanctuary.


The man is identified as a dad of four children that was living in Wales with his partner. His name Darren Osborne, his Muslim next door neighbour said that he heard him singing in the kitchen the day before with his children. The police are continuing with their investigations.

There have been a lot of different reports from different people mainly Muslims, and the man was apparently taken to hospital for a medical and health assessment.

Latest news from London, a police officer has been "attacked" at Paddington Station and the 19th of June, is the "day of Spark", certainly a lot is sparking off all over the UK.

Last night I was also shown, FOREST GATE in London, so be on alert in that area too. 

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