
Saturday 17 June 2017


In this video a survivor from Grenfell spoke to his friend Low-key, Cristos shares his story of how he escaped from the building. When he eventually got out of the building he was taken to hospital of course he is happy to be alive, although he knows that the trauma will not leave him quickly. It's important that these survivors are able to express their story, it helps with the healing process.

When low-key questions him on the building his final words on that is the "proof is in the pudding", a typical London saying. 

£1.6M has now been raised by the general public, and funds are still pouring in.  I really recommend that the people from Grenfell hire themselves a lawyer for a public inquest. Lawyer Sophie Khan that represented a similar case from 2009 explains why a public inquest is more powerful for the people than a public inquiry and legally you can't have both. So you have to get on it guys.

Far better that you concentrate on working with your legal team, than protesting on the streets. Remember this, legally, scientifically and peacefully.

The guys mention Bob Marley and "One Love", and his connection with their area of London.

Interesting that I have seen the Spirit of a female child, just a glimpse of her as I turned around in the garden, I could feel someone in my auric field, she was about 7-8 years old, and she was wearing a waisted dress. It was white with a pattern on it, like the dresses with an underskirt. She was joyous with a spring in her step, in the garden, like children do. Although she left as soon as she knew that I had seen her.

I did wonder if she was one of the children from that area in London, if she was one of the children that has passed over. There is life after death.

The latest news is that Latimer Station as been closed in London on request of the fire brigade due to safety concerns. Get up now.

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