
Sunday 4 June 2017

Snake Dream

This morning I had a couple of strange dreams. In the first dream I looked in a kitchen cupboard and a snake had curled in with the tomatoes. In real life I don't keep tomatoes in the cupboard, I keep them in the fridge.

Then after that there was different cameo, and the snake was around the neck of a coloured woman, the woman was plump like Diane Abbott, although she wasn't wearing any glasses.

The woman was "afraid of the snake", so I took action, I picked up a cloth and wrapped it around my hand and took the snake off from around her neck.

I then threw it away from us, and it landed outside a restaurant.

A young man, that looked like a chef, or a waiter with a black apron came out from the restaurant, and went to pick up the snake, so I ran over to him, and chopped the snake up into pieces, so that it could do no harm to him. Then he cleaned it up.

After that there was a different dream and a letter had been sent to me, in the long letter, in writing, I saw the words, Israel and Jewish was written, and at the end of the letter the person that wrote the letter referred to the receiver of it - as a pig.

In dream interpretation to dream of "getting rid of, or killing a snake is a sign that you will succeed in spite of any "hostile opposition."

If you see a "snake around the neck of someone else in a dream it can be a warning that they are a slave to something or someone, usually a male". 

In Diane Abbott's case it can mean that she was "oppressed by an ideology", and Islam is definitely that. As we know it is written in the Islamic texts that their prophet referred to Jewish people as "Pigs".

What's interesting is that in the beginning of the dream, the "snake" was with the tomatoes and they were blood red. The same colour as the Labour Party in the UK.

Tomatoes are also associated with film reviews and Hollywood. It has been known for people to throw tomatoes at politicians in the UK , although they've also thrown eggs too.

The letter that I was sent was definitely "anti-semitic" and "anti-Jewish", and it was sent from someone that opposed yours truly.

The first dream in June, just before the general election in the UK. Not surprising then that the Labour Party were investigated for "anti-semitism" prior to the announcement of this election.

The thing is that the human rights lawyer (ex-Liberty) that did the investigation was also a Labour supporter, so it was not an independent investigation. There is also a tweet that Diane's tweet says that she is working with Liberty on DNA, is that why people are not getting responses to their emails to Liberty.

Ken Livingstone being the most known for "anti-semitism"  Ken Livingstone was once the Labour Mayor of London, and he was replaced by a Muslim Labour Mayor.

In the dream the restaurant looked European, like a European cafe, it had double windows, a double frontage, and I rescued the woman and the man from the snake by killing it. In the dream, I had no choice.

Tomatoes are also to do with agriculture, so it is connected to the EU. As the EU make demands on what our farmers must do, and what our fruit and veg must look like.

In biblical prophecy it mentions the "snake", and how it is found in the palace. We have many palaces in the UK, including parliament.

It was Diane Abbott that wrote in a Tweet,  "White people love playing "divide and rule", we should not play their game".

Interesting that her own boss has white skin, so how does Jeremy Corbyn feel about that. It's good to see that a journalist, a woman of colour, called out Diane Abbott on a responding tweet.

What's also interesting is that the things that Diane Abbot has said, Obama has also said in the past and Diane Abbott was "afraid of the snake", that's why she couldn't remove it, and I had to.

Diane Abbott couldn't even save herself from the "snake" as it was wrapped around her throat in the dream and it was "strangling" her.

As we know the throat is to do with communication and how some people communicate. In the meantime, Theresa May is talking about a "New Trend" following the "attacks" in London last night.

You can say that Diane Abbott, and people like her, do have a responsibility due to "inciting people against white people", has the Tweet proves.

So why wasn't Diane Abbott been "arrested" UK, you should make an example of Diane Abbott, to ensure that those in political office are held to the highest standards possible, especially in their public communications.

Another Tweet from Diane Abbott Jun 2 "a society that cannot challenge racism is a society heading for division". The Obama "race card", again, yet she wrote about "white people" in a previous tweet. That is exactly the same "division", that Obama helped to co-create in America. However, I have ace cards in my right hand, although in the dream, I had a white cloth on my right hand to enable the removal of the 'snake" from her neck.

We cannot have a situation whereby a woman like Diane Abbott is elected to parliament, Diane Abbott has been judged by her words. History is history, Diane Abbott cannot turn the clock back as Big Ben strikes again and Nostradamus gave a prophecy about what would happen at the Houses of Parliament. His prophecy came true, so did his Hannibal prophecy that is connected to Libya. 

I've looked at Diane Abbotts date of birth and she has a north node soul journey in Aquarius. "Those north node Aquarius people suffer from "arrogance", inherently, due to their many past lives being in positions above others. The energy of "arrogance", can result in isolation, preventing them from getting and keeping those things in life that are most important to them."  Author, Jan Spiller, Astrology of the Soul. 

She didn't manage to hold onto her relationship with Jeremy Corbyn did she, and I think that is a major issue for Diane Abbott, her "adultery". She requires a lot of healing at a very deep level, including her past lives. I recommend past life healing for Diane Abbott and early retirement from politics.

Obama also spoke of "arrogance", when he gave his talk in Cairo, although he was speaking of it in the context of Americans. I can see the connection between Abbott and Obama and their "Black Liberation Theology" that includes the "Race Card".

What else do we know about Diane Abbott, she was born in the sun sign of Libra, so balance is essential for her. Although she was also born in the Chinese Year of the "Water Snake".

So on the 2nd of June, Diane Abbott wrote about "racism" and "division", on the 3rd of June, there were numerous "attacks" in London. What a job she did in East London.

In Chinese philosophy, people born in 1953, have a susceptibility to having "kidney issues", and the kidneys are also about the shen of life and what you allow into your life. When working with the kidneys, you have to work with the adrenals and completely detox on a regular basis.

You could view it that every nation as to have a detox, when multi-culturalism has the impact that it has had on our country, nation and bodies. The Labour party certainly requires a detox.

Do you remember what Sadiq Khan, the Labour Muslim Mayor said after a recent attack?

The Labour Muslim Mayor said, that "Terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a big city", true Londoner's don't agree with you Sadiq Khan, nor do true Londoner's agree with Diane Abbott either.

It comes to something that you have no choice but to vote Conservative or UKIP to keep Diane Abbott out of number 10. 


  1. Diane Abbott in the news, pictured on the Tube 20 minutes before pulling out of an interview over "illness".

  2. London Bridge is on lockdown today. People and workers have been told to evacuate and not return to work to tomorrow.
