
Wednesday 7 June 2017


Some young disabled people like to help their country, and are passionate about defending their homeland of Israel. Israel is the only country that finds a special work place for those young people in their army, the IDF. The President of Israel has honoured 30 of those outstanding disabled soldiers, congratulating them on their devotion and hard work.

In Israel, it's always great to see the IDF turn up, they can turn up on buses, on trains, in stations at airports, on flights, literally, they can turn up anywhere.  I always greeted them with a great big smile,  and received smiles in return. I was always pleased to see them, and I knew that I was safe in Israel and they were always watching. Their eyes were never far away.

The IDF is such an integral part of Israeli society, people are so relaxed when they are around. It's very different to any other army, as there are so many of the Israeli's involved, people that engage in so many different activities.

The promise was kept Israel, faithful to Jacob and shown love to Abraham. Micah 7:20.

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