
Thursday 29 June 2017


More on food growing, this time with a greenhouse. A mini-greenhouse, I've had to bring my chilli's, aubergine and sweet peppers inside due to the weather. Maybe it is time for a mini-greenhouse.

Different types and sizes


the energy that Jesus gave most recently, the clover. 

Do you remember the message about the seed bed. I have cherry seeds being prepared, and spring onions being prepared for regrowing. More tomato cuttings from an existing plant springing up too. 

The herbs are doing great especially the sage, basil, mint, rosemary and thyme. I had homegrown strawberries for breakfast with some Greek yogurt, sesame and poppy seeds. Seeds from a tomato have sprouted, just tried it for fun, seeds from a chili have sprouted, again tried it for fun, let's see how strong they can become.

The celery is growing fast, the beetroot is nearly ready, and I'm definitely going to try growing sweet potatoes, as I like them so much, and sweet potatoes are quite expensive in the UK, although so easy to grow. I am going to grow some carrots, and also some leeks, both vegetables I like very much. I think that the English vegetables and fruit like the English weather the best.


I was given a good tip yesterday, the blueberry shrub does not like water from the tap, it has to have rain water. So remember to collect your rain water, for the blueberries. We think it will provide fruit next year, so we will have to see on that one.

It will also be interesting to see how long it will take to get some olives appearing too, as the olive tree can take up to four years to provide fruit.  It's a lovely ornamental tree, and I just like having it close. I talk to my tree and tell it how lovely it is, while I put my healing hands upon it.  Big smiles.

As long as I see growth I am happy. I've been chatting with a gardener/farmer, in respect of the flowers that will come back again next year. I chose begonia, oriental lilies, and geraniums. The garden looks lovely, it has been a summer of bargains for yours truly. I've always liked a bargain.

Begonia's are so pretty and the fragrance of the oriental lilies in doors is wonderful. The lilies remind me of teaching, and touring. As I usually had lilies with me on my travels, the lilies bring the beautiful memories flooding back.

In the meantime, there has been a huge backlash about the proposed cuts to our NHS, that have been described as "brutal".

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