
Tuesday 20 June 2017

Finsbury Park Mosque Incident

How people have responded to what happened in Finsbury Park. Paul Joseph Watson gives his feedback on what we have all seen in the public arena.

The left didn't campaign to get "terrorists", deported, nor did they campaign against the "hate preachers", that have been working in the UK for decades. In fact, Hezbollah and Hamas, are friends with Jeremy Corbyn and this recent weekend their flags were flying in London on Al Quds march in London. 

I agree with Paul Joseph Watson, you didn't see Jeremy Corbyn crying in Manchester, nor did he visit London bridge either. Oh no, it's clear where Jeremy Corbyn's sympathy lays, it's the same as Obama, and we won't be going to that party, although we will call them out on it. 

We will not allow governments to silence the people that are defending our country, oh no, Theresa May, you shall not use Islam as an excuse to close down freedom of speech.

There has to be more open discussion about Islam not less of it. The Australian Imam is correct, "Islam is a religion of war", as such, it is on our soil. Some of our people have done their utmost to speak the truth in very difficult circumstances. We cannot and do not condone violence against Muslims, nor do we condone the "religion of war" that is Islam. 

Interesting to note that a Muslim said that the man in the van had tattoos, in Islam, tattoos are "haram", to Muslims and they're not allowed to live in such countries that are so.

Interesting that prior to this event, I had a dream of men in a van collecting electrical appliances for re-cycling, the electrical appliances in the van looked almost new.

They will keep on trying to recycle the appliances of Islam, until people realise that the ideology of war is not compatible with most of the people in our country. One thing that has to be done, is to raise a petition to put a stop to Al Quds day on our streets, in our capital city. A city where the indigenous people of London are outnumbered by foreigners. Londoner's are now a minority in their own capital city.

If they try to silence journalists, Tommy Robinson, Paul Joseph Watson, Katie Hopkins or Douglas Murray. If they try to silence Nigel Farage, UKIP supporters or myself, millions more people will become more visible.

It is important to point out that some Islamic schools in the UK have had to be closed down. You know why don't you. 

Muslims brought their "religion of war" to our shores, just like Germany did, and we will certainly finish it. As I have been sharing for years, WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear it's head again.

Tommy Robinson being interviewed by Sky News, expressing what has happened in the UK.

Remember this, a man, a Millwall supporter fought off "Islamic terrorists" with his bare hands and that helped people of different nationalities to escape from a restaurant when the London Bridge and Borough market incident happened.

Our people are not afraid, for Jesus taught his people to never be afraid. It's no coincidence that Millwall is called the "Lions of London" and Mother Mary shared that the Lions would rear up.

I can assure you that the panther Obama is no match for our Lions. Our Lions are kings in their own right. They know the streets better than any politician.

History of the Muslim Brotherhood

An Iraqi shares that Tommy Robinson is correct.

The last days of the end times, the days of ELIJAH.

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