
Monday 12 June 2017

Douglas Murray - Europe for Europeans

Author and journalist, Douglas Murray, Europe is for the Europeans, it is our home. I agree with Douglas, not everyone that would like to come and live in Europe can. It is our home and he speaks about the painful history of Europe in the video above. Douglas Murray is wonderfully rational with his responses and reasons.

Enoch Powell was talking about repatriation of migrants, even if they were born in the UK. Enoch Powell said that he knew of people that did wish to go home to the country of their heritage, if they had the money to do so. Powell argued that a British passport and citzenship doesn't make Europe or the UK their home. Different views from different people in this video, included views of MEP's. 

Douglas Murray gives his view on Enoch Powell and his river of blood speech that he gave in Birmingham in 1968. Enoch Powell was correct in as much as, the white British in London are now a minority in their own capital city.

Nigel Farage gave his view of Enoch Powell. Enoch's highly principled honesty,  ended his career and the debate on immigration stopped in the UK at that point.

It's worth looking at the history, and how the UK arrived where it is now. The story of Enoch Powell,  and his warnings to the British people, that they did not heed at the time. A man with foresight and insight into what was coming to be, a man that was viewed to be a madman in his day by many of the commentators. Yet, the most talented of politicians, the youngest professor in the commonwealth, was the man that stood up to defend his nation in the best way that he knew how. 

Now it is different, as people see it all around them.

I've seen it written that there were over 65,000 people marching yesterday in Manchester. Life has changed in our country, and people would like their country back, before it is too late. Tough decisions are going to have to be made, and some people will definitely have to leave. We cannot have open borders any longer, our borders have to be closed immediately.

Unconditional love does not mean that you allow anyone to trample over the soul of your nation, otherwise there is nothing left but feeling bereft. You must defend your souls and the soul of our European nations, if Europe is to survive for our cultures to continue to exist. 

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