
Monday 5 June 2017

Commander Richard Kemp on London

Former British Commander, Richard Kemp has shared in a radio interview with LBC that "We need to be sweeping these people off our streets", in response to the latest "terror attack" in London.

His recommendation is "detainment, deportation, and exclusion, internment, and even closing down mosques and schools etc.

I agree, as it is costing billions in surveillance to monitor these people. Then even more costs when there is any incident. Since March of this year it has been one after the other in the UK. 

It was in 2007, when I first issued a serious warning to a British politician and distributed the testimony of warning. The Liberal Democrat was told to bring our troops home to defend our country or face the consequences for not doing so.

It was around 2008 time, that I also passed a message onto a local police officer about what was coming.

In 2013, another politician was given the testimony of warning, this time a Conservative, how many times do they have to be told.

Now the commanders and SAS are telling the politicians, it's time to get tough with the invaders after the Conservatives thought they could cut overheads by cutting the number of police and army in our country.

You can't scrimp on the safety of British citizens, politicians brought in the economic migrants and it is now up to the politicians to get rid of them. It's clear that the more people that live in the UK, the more police and army is required to defend our people, not less.

Foreign nationals should also return to their home countries for their own safety, as it is clear that the UK is under siege, until such time as the police and army can resolve the situation.

The police are now raiding flats in East London and you can be sure that the raids will continue in the UK until these "terror attacks" come to an end.

And a heartfelt plea from the British people, a Londoner spoke to Nigel Farage.

Another reporter from the UK, Caolan Robertson living in London.

Did you know that the Qu'ran tells Muslims that they can't live in the UK, they're not allowed to live in non-Muslim countries, that is why some are trying to make the UK Islamic. That is why one country became 57 states. Although years ago, I did read an Islamic prophecy that foretold that islam would be pushed all the way back to Saudi where it belongs. Right back under the stone it came from.

Micah 7:20 mentions being faithful to Jacob and showing love to Abraham. Two families that were brought into my life in the 80's, a Jewish family and an Egyptian Muslim family, that enjoyed time together with yours truly.

The Egyptian Muslims left England, some went back to Egypt, others went to Dubai. Although some of their children remained, as they were born into mixed marriages and/or relationships, their English mothers are still living in the UK.

Some of the English women were met while they were nurses in Egypt, some women were met when the Egyptian men came to live in England. There is something that I should point out, Egyptians are not Arabs, Egyptians had their own language prior to Islam invading Egypt. 

I did keep my promise to my ancestors in days gone by. I did keep my promise to the Son of Joseph, I was faithful to Jacob, and showed love to Abraham. 

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