
Thursday 15 June 2017


On the 4th of June, 2017, I had two dreams, the first dream included Diane Abbott, and the second dream was an "Anti-Semitic Letter". The letter was writing against Israel and the Jewish people.

It's not the first time that I have seen writing and script, it is the first time that I have seen a letter written against the Jewish people in a dream.

Now we are approaching what is known as "Al-Quds Day", and Breitbart Media share with us that pressure is building on London Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan to cancel the the "Anti-Israel" march, especially in light of the recent events in London.

In recent days I made a few posts in response to a prominent and highly respected English rabbi and what do you get in response, suddenly,  anti-Jewish and anti-Israel posters show up. They do not discuss the views that are being shared, they just "attack" the messenger. As such, it is natural for yours truly to defend our people that are just sharing their freedom of speech.

Some might say that those that march on "Al-Quds Day", are expressing their freedom of speech, my response to those people is when do you ever see Jewish people marching only against one country?

When do you ever see English people marching against one single Islamic country, when do you ever see Americans or other Europeans, marching against one single nation on an annual basis! Should we all march against Saudi, or Iran? Would that be acceptable to you, or how about everyone marching against America, would that suit the Muslims that march on "Al-Quds Day".

The fact of the matter is that it has been proven that "Al-Quds Day" is "anti-Jewish", and "anti-Israel", and we will not put up with it especially after what has happened in London this year.

Kay Wilson's message to Sadiq Khan, Kay Wilson speaks for Londoners that have been impacted upon by recent terrorist incidents, although it looks like she now lives in Israel where she experienced the same.

The awesome, Hillel Neuer, Human Rights Watch,  asks those that stand against Israel, "Where are your Jews?". Truth spoken, facts shared, council members sit in silence after Hillel gives his statement.

I was very young when I bought my dad the star of david to wear, he was so happy and pleased with it, he was indeed a bright star that shone as bright as the sun. The youngest Son of Joseph, he certainly wouldn't have embraced any marches against Israel or the Jewish people. I kept my promise, to never forget. Micah 7:20. As the Son of Joseph said after he passed over,  "Forget-me-not".

"God will never forget the needy, the hope of the afflicted will never perish", Psalm 9:18 "I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life". Psalm 119: 93 

And as Jesus the Jew said to yours truly, "Never forget who you are".


1 comment:

  1. Sad news from Israel, another attack in Jerusalem on Friday.
