
Monday 26 June 2017

156 Telecommunications MICHAEL

Today is the anniversary of the passing of Michael that is mentioned in the book of Daniel, a man that defended Israel with yours truly. He was born in South Africa, but moved to America with his mother due to the war in his homeland. He was a soldier, an anthropologist, a scholar and senior university lecturer. The date given for his passing, was the 26th of June, 2010.

On the 13th of March, 2017, I had a dream with a man with a moustache, that was standing behind me, he spoke of telecommunications, and the cost of a telephone call. The numeric of £156 was given in the dream.

Michael liked Bonnie Tyler songs and would post them frequently. He was a strong man that would never give in to the corporations, or those involved in construction, you know who you are.

Although his approach always softened when I arrived, and he was always pleased to see me writing, and especially writing to him. He used to say it was vitamins for his soul.

Yesterday I was going through the archives, and came across that telephone dream again, a blog post that mentioned Michael. Since March, my telecommunications have changed, I have a new mobile, (the first new mobile since 2010) and a new email address due to the telecommunications company closing down our email facility.

Yesterday I was also discussing telecommunications and contracts, and due to telecommunications company's being bought up, and taken over, our people are being forced into phone contracts, and I don't like being forced into anything at all. They're using phone contacts to track people.

If anyone ever tries to force me to do something, my response is always NO!. That is natural for an Aquarian due to the sheer importance of the key word freedom. Remember what Jesus said that the only law worthy of humanity is the law that brings freedom.

However, the numeric of 156 pinged out for me when looking at the writing about the dream.

As it was around that the fire soared at that Grenfell block in London. It happened on the 14th of June, 1+4 = 5 and it happened in the 6th month of June. There is the numeric of 156 in the dream.

The date of Michael's passing was given as the 26th of June, 2010, although no autopsy was carried out, and he had been dead for three weeks before anyone found him. Even though he had phoned for help from people in America. His pleas for help were ignored by those involved in the construction industry.

I did telephone America after his passing, asking the police to investigate his passing, they refused, I even contacted the Oath Keepers to enlist their help, but they were asking to be paid. I kept on asking people to help yours truly, to attain justice for Michael.

However, I couldn't afford to keep on phoning America to enlist help to get his case reopened. In fact, American's in the construction industry didn't even tell me that they had arranged his funeral, and had closed his book, prior to my being able to post a response.

Although Michael had given strict instructions that the first person that should be contacted if anything happened to him, was yours truly. During Michael's life, he shared about his life with yours truly, and wrote of how people had tried to burn him out of his properties.

How people had set fire to his business properties, and how the police and fire servicemen in America, did nothing to find those that did it. Michael was sure that it was the corporations and construction companies that were trying to burn him out. They also went after him in his home property too.


Also prior to what happened in London in June, I also had a dream of men with a van, electrical appliances in the van, a fridge and bed that had to be taken away. It was written that the fire began with a Hotpoint fridge/freezer, and afterwards there was also a man with a hire van that went into the people in Finsbury Park.

It's easy to see how it all fits together in hindsight. It has now come to light that the cladding that had been put upon those buildings came from America, it was an American product, American cladding.

Now 4,000 people have been evacuated from London tower blocks with that cladding, and the NHS Trusts are being asked to examine every hospital in the UK. In addition to that, I have since had a UDO dream and a dream of physiotherapy.

Another song that Michael and I shared together. "Don't Give Up".

During Michael's life he was in partnership with some of the other people that originated in South Africa, he said that they had a legal practice together, defending African Americans in America.

When I wrote about the dream in March, I mentioned wonder. Michael would be pleased to see the singer Stevie Wonder calling out people involved in BLM.


While I was listening to Stevie Wonder singing, the phone rang. Synchronicity indeed. 

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