
Monday 29 May 2017


Another dream this morning. This time of a woman that I used to know, the woman was wearing a designer suit in blue. I asked Teresa who worked in the corporate sector, where her husband was by name because she was on her own.

She replied, they weren't together anymore and that they had split up last December. Then the weather woke me up, very loud thunder and lightening came crashing down. It was very, very loud.

In dream interpretation to ask a question in a dream, is positive, and can mean good luck.

Interesting that the dream included communication, relationship, marriage, with someone in the corporate sector, with the name of Teresa. In the timeline when a Theresa that would like to be elected as PM is in the news.

This dream when European, and International relationships have been and are being discussed. Last December was in the dream, hence a timeline for when serious decisions were made and actions were taken. The song "LAST DECEMBER" above also mentions London.


Interesting that when a relationship is over, people often reunite with their friends and this is not the first Teresa dream. So we can view this dream in different ways, the UK voted for BREXIT, the relationship is over, actions were taken in December, now there is the reuniting with friends.

In dream interpretation to dream of a distant friend can indicate "a forerunner of unexpected news, good or bad depending on whether or not they were in trouble in your dream."

In the dream the woman was in a very determined stance, as women usually are when they are in their third age. She was very matter of fact and did not show any emotion about the situation, it was clear that she had moved on. This is the second dream this month with distant friends in it. In the other dream the English couple were both really happy. That dream came after the dream of Milo, so a majority of the dreams this month have been of people that grew up in the UK.

The other dreams in May, included Kevin Costner and he was being very reassuring, as he usually is when he appears before yours truly. There was also the west highland dog.

May Dreams

Milo feathers dream.

Happiness dreams.

A dream of a divorce, can be a dream of contrary, and means that you can rely on your mate.

It is written that the name Teresa comes from a Greek verb, THERIZO and it means "HARVEST".

Last December was an important month in my own life too, the month that I won the case and the month that I had operative procedure. Last December changed the direction of my life.

What else is happening, William and Kate's housekeeper has resigned due to the demands of the job being too much for her. She was being paid £35,000 a year. William and Kate are moving to London permanently, although they will keep their country estate. William and Kate with numerous homes, both in the UK and abroad, while our people are impacted upon by austerity measures due to Angela Merkel and her EU demands.

Interesting that the housekeeper as a little white dog in this photograph, just like the little west highland dog.

UPDATE  12th of June, 2017. I found the original blogpost that mentions Jesus giving the green energy of the clover. I remember doing a painting of it too. That was last december and now DUP are in discussions with Theresa May, as she requires a majority in the houses of parliament.

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