
Tuesday 2 May 2017

PESACH SHENI 10th May 2017

"He asked life of you. You gave it to him, length of days forever and ever". Psalm 21:4 NAS

"Who is the man that desires life, and loves length of days, so that he may see good?". Psalm 34:12 

"For length of days, and years of life. And peace they will add to you". Proverb 3:2


It's nearly the second passover, the gift of second chances. Prophecy foretold that the righteous would cry! Holy tears can purify those that are in the presence of the tears of the righteous.

Were you given a second chance in life? Did you give others a second chance and how did they do when you did? Ponder upon it! I was sent twice to Egypt and twice to Israel, four visits to the middle east since the 90's. Seven weeks altogether, seven memorable weeks.

May is the anniversary of the first mission to Israel in May, 2006. When the gathering on his holy hill was called in northern Israel, another prophecy fulfilled. Incredible that it was over a decade ago, so much has happened since then and life was never the same again after that, it had a profound impact upon my life and what happened next.

May is meant to be a good month for yours truly in 2017, and I am already for the sunshine, and warmer days ahead. It is time to get some sunshine to my body, to strengthen the bones, and enliven the skin. I feel a requirement to have an easy time of it, a time of relaxation in this reality, as my mobility is limited, the more that I do, the more painful it is.  At least sunbathing, I can sleep and keep on changing positions, for comfort.

So who is getting a second chance in my life? Physiotherapist's, and the orthopaedic consultants, are getting a second chance, let's see what they can do. GP is convinced it is the coccyx that is causing the suffering, as that is where it was felt when he had a prod around.

It did begin with childbirth, although in 2002 I felt something go while in the gym, after that I had to go for chiropractic treatment due to the nerves. Then there was an injury to the back in September, 2009 in the bath. I've shrunk two inches in height, so there is compression, there was also an injury to the left foot. The feet impact upon the back, and the back impacts upon the feet and now I have flat feet too. The joys of ageing! Of course what happened in January 2011 didn't help either.

An MRI scan was finally carried out in 2017, although no report was provided by the consultant.  That's what happens when services are privatised, what the doctors don't tell you.

The medical investigations have been going on for years, it has been quite a journey to get any answers. The two top orthopaedic surgeons in the UK say that x-rays are "useless", I have to agree with our experts on that.  

We have elections in the UK prior to the 10th of May, so it will be interesting to see what happens, a lot of people are talking about Brexit in the news, although the NHS and the privatisation of it, is of major concern to the people in the UK. As we know the EU have been trying to standardise everything in the Europe, including healthcare.

Time for our people to defend our NHS with our lives, you can be critical of it, and save it at the same time.

What will you eat this month? I've been divinely instructed to eat walnut, the righteous are divinely instructed, as and when required, in this case with the walnuts for health purposes. So I created a new recipe with walnuts in it. 

Apparently, Eastern European countries have the highest yield of walnuts, mum used to like to have the pickled walnuts. Do you remember the walnut whips, and I do like coffee and walnut cake.

Walnuts have a lot of manganese and manganese was divinely called for. We also have a walnut flower essence remedy too, so that would be worth trying. It's in the Dr Bach range and Sun Essences in Norfolk, still make these essences by hand, as they are meant to be made. The leaves are for healing the nations.

The Walnut flower essence is ideal for the third age, as it is for protection, adaptability and flexibility, and I am sure that I have some in stock.

For those times in your life when you are going through changes, especially when releasing the past that no longer serves you, and moving onto the new. Walnut reminds me of this prayer that I said often in my younger years.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,  courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

Ideal for a decisive time in your life, and if you are sensitive to the energies in your environment, the energies that you live in or live close to. 

You can also get a walnut oil to use in salad dressings, although it is not recommended for cooking in. Walnut oil can also be used for massage and aromatherapy, so again, a brilliant oil if you are in your third age has it is an "anti-ageing" oil.

So it's going to be a walnut Pesach Sheni for yours truly, the fruit of the nut, definitely a nutty month for food consumption, and it's great that it is a European produce. Plenty of walnut trees in the UK too. The English walnut, J regia, big smiles, the Son of Joseph, definitely liked his walnuts!

Walnut is a beautiful tree, I once had an antique victorian burr walnut chiffonier that I bought at an auction in the early 80's.  I restored it with gentleness and love to its original splendour; the grain in it was really incredible and it had lovely delicate carving and a marble top to it.

It was so attractive, really pretty, excellent quality, sadly, I had to part with it, due to my financial situation at the time, the antique dealer, shipped it to Australia. Years later I bought a victorian piano for my spiritual room, I think that was burr walnut too, so walnut kept on coming into my life. The synchronicity of life and the meaning of it. 

The Walnut tree, a biblical tree? Some say so. Song of Songs, 6:11. 

I've just realised I have walnut shapes on my curtains. I do require new flooring. So it is walnut and magnolia for the lounge. That was an easy choice to make. How about a walnut tree for the walnut room too? The Walnut Studio for the new timeline, for the new artist, my room of creativity. 


Mercury is moving forward on the 3rd of May, 2017 and I have a gemini moon sign in my chart. As Rev 12 explained, the moon is under my feet. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. More action to come with the younger generation and their musical artistic talent.  Listen to the music of Tokio Myers, superb. 

May 3rd, and I received a positive phone call today, on we go with the next phase of life. 

Situations in my locality are being resolved, 2017, in this a nine year in my life cycle of completion and divine love. 

Best wishes to you all. 

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