
Friday 12 May 2017


I had another dream of Milo and he was with a crowd of people, they were happy, he was wearing a bolero type jacket with soft feathers in lazuli blue and green. Peacock colours. He was also wearing sunglasses, and he was walking with a crowd outside, like he did at Berkeley.

This is the third dream of the British journalist since 2016.

Interesting that the verse of the day, is about the children of wisdom arising. Proverbs 31:27-28

What's the importance of the feathers? More biblical prophecy.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart". Psalm 91:4

In dream interpretation to dream of feathers signifies an exceptional stroke of luck. Enhancement of prestige and income.

At 11.36 of this video, Milo talks about his come back. In this video Milo mentions what he did to the family cat due to the cat receiving more attention than he did. He also mentions a step-dad and domestic violence that he suffered. Clearly, he had a traumatic childhood.

I think his book "Dangerous" will be interesting to read. As a photographer once said to yours truly, "You'd be dangerous if you had money behind you" and now Milo has $12M of financial backing. 

In the first dream that I had of Milo in 2016, he picked up my left hand. I slid my hand out of his, then he picked it up again affectionately, we then went to the LGBT party.


In biblical prophecy, the two different hands of wisdom represent something different. So the hands are important in dreams.

People can be fickle, Americans even more so. Milo must watch his step, as it is clear that he does require healing and a lot of love. We can see that in his self-expression, and self-disclosure.

Always keep your Libra balance Milo, don't let them ruffle your feathers or scales of justice. Milo has said that he is suing the New York publishers for $10M.



The dreams this month have all been connected with the direction of the west.  There was the dream of the film star, and film director, Kevin Costner, then the dream of the West Highland dog. Then the dream of Milo. All western realities.

In dream interpretation to dream of a crowd imparts a message of happiness and or widening opportunity for betterment that is assured in a dream that featured an orderly, good-natured crowd.

The Milo dream, then supports the Costner dream of reassurance, and life situations are improving, although there are more obstacles to overcome. The West Highland dog is also symbolic of a faithful friend, and Milo does have some connections in Scotland and so do I.

Let's have some Ravel BOLERO for Milo and the crowd, it was written for a ballet originally.

The Bolero is also found in other realities.



Get your nuts on! 

This painting isn't finished yet!

I checked my flower essence stock yesterday, and I had to order some more WALNUT today, everything is on track, more stock coming from Sun Essences in Norfolk and the English Walnut tree.

Making sure that we have everything that is essential for health. 


Paint spread 13th May, 2017 

1 comment:

  1. MILO Today Interview
