
Wednesday 17 May 2017


Italian tourism is down and that was inevitable after Italy embraced the Euro, as it meant that most Europeans could not afford to holiday in Italy. Now Italy is giving away some of it's castles and monasteries in the hope that the business plan will boost tourism to Italy. The only thing that would boost tourism to Italy, is if Italy removed itself from the EU and the Euro.

I looked for property in Italy, although most of the properties required a huge amount of money being spent on those properties, more than I could afford at the time.

Ideal if you are a builder, and can do the work yourself.

Some of these monasteries and castles would make lovely ecological self-sustainable communities, although it is clear that is not what Italy has in mind.

Tough isn't it when there are Italians that are homeless and unemployed in Italy, to see that Italy is giving properties away.

In fact, in one small town, they're also offering £1,700 to individuals to move there. Perhaps they could give that money to the Italian youngsters that moved abroad, to help them to return home.

The Italians can access rents for as little as £40 a month, that is an incredible offer if you have some skills to take with you. Come on you Italians, heal and restore your communities.

I did watch a video earlier this year, where Italian parents were crying that their children had gone abroad to find work and they ended up working in the leisure industry washing up.

While the washing up jobs in Italy were taken over by Muslims. More cultural genocide. Strange isn't it, how people are willing to do a job abroad, that they're not willing to do in their home country.

Bizarre in fact, that Italy so believed in it's beautiful culture and the EU, that it was willing to risk it's own prosperity for the EU.  The historians will reflect upon what the EU has done, I am sure of that.

The message that I received when I woke up today was "VEGETABLES", and as we know the EU is heavily involved in controlling the agriculture of the countries within the EU.

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