
Monday 29 May 2017

Healing -v- Islam

A man tried to stop yours truly going to Israel in May 2006, although all the healers that I knew then, were really happy that I was being sent to Israel. I did not listen to the man that tried to stop the mission to Israel, I continued regardless because I knew the full divine instructions that I had received.

Hashem forbid me to go Saudi, and now some Israeli's are not happy with what Trump has signed with Saudi. Of course Saudi were dancing with Trump, because Saudi has consistently stood against Israel by spreading Islam on European shores.

Why do I mention this, there is a difference between what man does and what God says to do.

Some are talking about "Erev Rav" and different Jewish people have different views on what that means. Apparently, it relates to a time when Egyptians stood against Moses while he was liberating his people from captivity.

The legend goes that the Egyptians had been invited to join with the Jewish people during the Exodus and they then turned against Moses.

What is "Erev Rav", this is a view of it from "The Times of Israel".

You could view it as people who stand against those that are doing the will of God, and some Jewish people do that too. In my experience they are usually American Jews that stand against people that are trying their best to fulfil their mission to help the Jewish people as ordained. Although you can see Jews -v- Jews on the land of Israel itself.

However, you find people in many nations that stand against Israel, even within your own friends and families. So many people took what the media wrote as fact, then the facts changed when people found the truth for themselves. To know Israel you have to go to Israel and walk upon its land with it's people, all types of people.

Why is this important, it's important because liberation is important, peace for everyone is important, redemption is important for everyone. Did you know that an Australian Imam has formally declared on Australian television that Islam is a "Religion of War". Why would anyone choose that, why would anyone dance with those that promote that, so ponder upon it.

Shalom, completeness and wholeness is about healing, for with healing there is wholeness, and completeness and it is shamanic terminology.  Remember the healing herbs versus the fattened ox mentioned in the texts. Remember the leaves are for healing the nations.

What healing disciplines does Islam have, none. What healing disciplines did Egypt have prior to Islam, many.



Healers go from strength to strength, in different healing disciplines. Till each appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84.7. Indeed, of Zion it will be said, this one and that one were born in her, and the Most High will establish her. Psalm 87:5 The LORD will write in the register of the peoples, this one was born in Zion. Psalm 87:6. 

Great is the LORD in Zion, he is exalted over all of the nations. Psalm 99:2 

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. 

What's happening in Sweden? News today is that Swedish women prance around as horses against the fact that there are statues of men on horses in their city centres. I think Sweden have a lot more to be concerned about than statues. It really is time for the feminists to wake up.

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