
Thursday 18 May 2017


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) contains, in Article 19, the first and most widely recognised statement of the right to freedom of expression:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and idea through any media and regardless of frontiers".


May 2017 

British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos has given his latest interview to the Today Show on Free Speech on Campus. This is the edited version of the interview. However, the conclusion is that America has a problem with freedom of speech on campus. As such, the academics are not living up to the law of the land.

The more that people try to crush freedom of speech, the more that real people are arising. Milo is planning a week of speeches at Berkley, with different speakers appearing, and if Berkely try to stop it, he has said that he will make it a month of talks. This is the full interview prior to the editing. 


Our Milo is a 6'2" hunk born in Athens, and he grew up in England, he has a colourful history as a gay man, he is energetic, lively, charismatic, and incredibly intelligent. He is tenacious, a brave soul, and courageous in ensuring that the discussion is opened up. He is one of the most determined people that I have seen on the world stage.

Freedom of speech has always been important to yours truly, and for 17 years on-line, I have defended freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is an essential aspect of a democracy and western civilisation.  Closing down freedom of speech isn't just happening in America, it is also happening in the UK too and other countries in Europe.

When I was first asked to write on-line by the owner of an English health forum, in 2000, it wasn't long before I noticed what I called the "PC Brigade", PC abbreviated for "Political Correctness".

That is when my journey began defending freedom of speech on-line. Not only my own freedom of speech, but the freedom of speech of those a lot younger than myself.

We were discussing health and healing, we were also discussing spirituality in-depth. It was important that those young people could share their divine experiences in a space where they could be listened to and helped with their journey. Healthy Pages was the exact location that gave those youngsters a powerful platform on which to share their experiences.

I remember a case where an Israeli wasn't allowed to speak in Scotland and just recently, I was cut off the radio in England, for mentioning two words that the radio station did not like. I could hear the Liberal journalist triggering all over the place. To such an extent, that he wouldn't let me speak on the subject matter that I had phoned in about e.g. the truth about the NHS.

The interviewer continually tried to drown out my response to him with shouting and bullying tactics, just because I was a UKIP supporter and a supporter of Nigel Farage. I voted leave in the referendum, and I voted UKIP in the local elections.

The radio station pulled the plug, to stop the discussion, all I was asking that radio station to do was to tell the truth. On LBC that evening, it was claimed that the government have not been privatising the NHS in the UK, I know different, and I was hoping to share some of the examples of that with the radio station. We have to get the facts to the people, so that the people know what is happening in our country and our NHS.

No coincidence then that after LBC pulled the plug on yours truly, there was a major "cyber attack", on the NHS. How did Theresa May feel about that, I wonder. Theresa May, can't even keep our NHS safe from a "cyber attack", ponder upon that. So much for British safety, and security.

In the north of England, two journalists from Rebel Media UK, were ambushed, threatened, and their car was rammed off the motorway this week by the Islamic community. What does Theresa May have to say about that, I wonder. The same Theresa May that was in office during the time that Tommy Robinson and his family have been "persecuted", "threatened" and "terrorised" because he has been living his human right of freedom of speech.

Will LBC cover that story, as one of the journalists lives in Chelsea, London. What I have seen so far is that alternative media are covering the story and not the MSM. The MSM are not covering all of the court cases that Rebel Media are doing their utmost to report on.


What is happening in the UK is "Cultural Genocide", I've been warning British politicians about it since 2007.  However, some journalists at LBC, are so triggered by those words, they cannot even discuss it quietly and politely. That is the evidence of my experience with LBC, I think LBC should be sued for closing down freedom of speech. When you give them examples of "cultural genocide", they then pull the plug on you.

It comes to something when the indigenous people of our country are in a minority in their own capital city due to the sheer numbers of foreigners. That is cultural genocide, whether you like it or not. It isn't racial either, nor is it about colour, because the UK have had more multi-racial marriages than any other country. See my painting that is called "Angels of Colour". People of colour that know me, know my heart and the liberated love beyond measure.



The LBC radio presenter tried to make it racial and about colour, no guys, we don't take your American "race card". This is about freedom of speech and preserving our historic culture. The truth shall set them free.

The sword of truth is mighty indeed, as Archangel Michael said during the Rev 12 timeline, "the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".



I've been making some bread rolls with olives in the bread, and the LORD is happy when I am in the kitchen cooking. He said, happily, "Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim".

When I woke up yesterday, the message was 'VEGETABLES'.

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