
Wednesday 24 May 2017


It's a long time ago when I was given a vision of Obama leading the new world monkeys and Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were among them all lined up.

So I smiled today to discover that Theresa May was born on the 1st of October, 1956 in the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey.

A Libra scales of justice with a fire monkey tipping the balance, and our country is certainly at tipping point, strong and stable leadership is not found in Theresa May's soul journey of the north node in Sagittarius and integrity is a major issue.

As witnessed by the fact that what the Conservative government did while she was in the home office, created a war against the poorest of the nation. What defence do the poorest of the nation have when there is no legal aid to speak of, and no local human rights lawyers. Is that justice Theresa May, is that fair, I don't think so.

You protect the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace while the elderly are being attacked on their own doorsteps and children are being bombed at concerts. Our people will not tolerate it, not now, not ever.

John Pilger on the western arms deals with Saudi Arabia, the country that we know has funded "Islamic extremism" in the UK. How do we know that, there have been undercover investigations filmed and shown on CH4. Investigative journalists went undercover to find out what was going on.

What's interesting about the north node soul journey of Theresa May, is the fact that due to their past lives they are often "naive, and shortsighted, not looking far enough ahead to realise the consequence of their actions."

That was certainly the case when the globalist let in over 650,000 immigrants the year prior to BREXIT. A former SAS officer, says it's time to get tough.

I was saying that in 2007 to the politicians, I shared with in 2007, that they had to put stop to the immigration, or face the consequences for not doing so. I also shared what those consequences would be, and here we are a decade later, with a concert hall full of innocent children bombed in Manchester. Jesus forewarned you that wisdom would be proven to be correct.

The link with Libya is mentioned in the Nostradamus Hannibal prophecy C2.Q30 too. No coincidence then that the man that was arrested in Manchester was 23 years old and Islamic. SO said the media yesterday, today, they're saying he is 22 years old, can't they make their minds up at how old he is.

Why when that man dropped out of university and was visiting Libya, was not the home office tailing him Theresa May. How is that security services and intelligence can know about so many people, yet were not able to stop what happened in Manchester. It doesn't make sense does it, when there was a woman in that concert hall that also alerted security inside the hall about a Muslim woman. When they return to Libya, don't let them back in again, take away their British passports. When they return to Pakistan don't let them back in again, take away their British passports. So on and so forth.

Wouldn't that have been the most appropriate action, indeed it would've been. Never mind Theresa May, that enforced cut backs in the budget for our police force, they've even tried to privatise it, and in some locations when the police and police station was removed, the residents have had to come together to pay for their own security, on top of paying their taxes due to Theresa May and the Conservative cut backs.

I would ban all immigration from all countries for five years, to enable the UK to catch up with itself. The only exception that I would make would be for medics from English speaking countries e.g. Australia, America, Canada, etc.

Author Jan Spiller (Astrology of the Soul) shares with us that the absolute necessity of living a life of integrity can be very difficult for a person with this north node and they clearly have to learn the hard way due to their past lives.

Theresa May,  cannot "violate the spiritual laws without suffering painful consequences". Although she continues to do so.

They also have to learn what it is about their lives that is destructive in keeping a strong hold on the status quo. Eventually, they have to accept that postponing the inevitable is only stopping them from realising an outcome based on the truth. By calling a snap election that is exactly what Theresa May was doing, trying to postpone the truth to stay in office.

Campaign on BREXIT, that's it, convince the British people that is what this election is about, it is not about BREXIT, we already have the legal standing to pursue the ending of the relationship with the EU.

With this soul journey of this north node, when her "motive is to appear intelligent and show mental superiority, her spontaneity leads to "carelessness, painful misunderstandings and missed opportunities." 

As far as I am concerned, in the last year Theresa May had the opportunity to make her landmark by helping the poorest of the nation, she had the opportunity to show the compassionate and merciful side of the Conservative party, instead she was "careless", and "missed the opportunity" to be a true Christian that defends the poorest of the nation.

Theresa talked a lot and did little to alleviate the suffering that exists. Think on the suffering of the 1950's women, that had their pensions removed from them during the time of Theresa May's cabinet office.

Choices were made, Theresa May chose Angela Merkel's austerity over her own people. Austerity upon the poor that Jesus would never ever agree with. At a time when the government is the most expensive, and largest that it has ever been in the history of the nation. The poorest of the nation are suffering austerity measures while the Conservatives spend large sums of money on portraits for the Houses of Parliament. Jacob Rees Mogg called what the Conservatives spent on it, "chicken feed", maybe it is to him, but not to the poorest of the nation.

Prudence has a motto, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. While the Conservatives spent the pounds on foreign aid, the poor in the UK were living on pennies and food banks. Even nurses in Scotland have been going to food banks since the Conservatives have been in office.

How does that make those politicians feel, how can they sleep at night, how can they even look the poor in the face. They can't they stop inviting the poor to their local meetings, you only hear from the Conservatives when they would like your vote in an election.

I cannot back a new world monkey, a globalist, not now, not ever, and nor would Jesus, for Jesus knew as I do, what Prophet Isaiah said about our green fields.

In fact, I have looked at my options, and I don't think that I can vote for any of them. Especially as the Supreme Court and the UN have said that what the Conservatives have done with Regulation B13, is both "illegal", and "discriminatory", that means that the British government has been "unlawful" in introducing that regulation in the first place.

Now we cannot vote for the "unlawful" can we to represent our people, we have to live in integrity.

Theresa May let in all of those immigrants, while our own people are suffering, the fire monkey didn't even lift the restrictions on Julian Assange, a man that has shared the truth with the world.

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