
Friday 19 May 2017

DINNER of HERBS Proverbs 15:17

Still with the vegetables today, soup made on Thursday,  and I do like some coriander in my special healthy soup. There is a proverb that mentions the herbs. Proverbs 15:17. "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it".

As we know herbs are for healing with nutrients and it relates to the restoration of the body. I do like cooking with fresh herbs and I also like to eat the leaves of herbs in salads with my seeds.

My mint is growing very fast and so are my tomato plants. The tomato plants like being in my healing room, it is like being in a greenhouse, the room is filled with light. It is in that room that the Hebrew symbols appeared before yours truly on the walls. I also have a bay leaf in that room.

In my kitchen I have some herbs on the window sill, some Rosemary, Purple Basil and Mint. It's lovely to be surrounded in greenery, the life-force that grows in your home. The Lemon Thyme is in the garden outside now. We've had a tremendous amount of rain today in the UK, everything is drenched.

I have a correction to make, I think that I had written previously that Milo had a Gemini north node soul journey. Actually, his north node is Taurus, a young man with a complex ancestry, from this land of Joseph.

Being born on the 18th of October 1984, of all of the years to be born, 1984. He is a sun sign Libra of justice. He wasn't born in the year of the dog either.

However, young Milo is lean, and he is always gentle and kind when he appears in dream state. Although he is fully aware that there is a lot of "fattened ox and hatred with it" in America. He is a brave soul and courageous to take it on, he certainly has youth on his side.

As Archangel Michael said during the Rev 12 timeline, "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". Those were the days when he also spoke about the brave souls, self-development and the power of communications.

I remember how energetic I was at Milo's age, bursting with energy, multi-tasking.  The 30's can be an incredible time, when you are in the right place at the right time and equipped with your natural talents and skills gained from experience. Physically fit and raring to get on with life and what life brings.

He's over his first saturn return now, life should be a lot easier for him. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

Milo has a lovely healing song written by Jan Spiller, (author of Astrology for the Soul) for his Taurus north node soul journey.

"My guy got sick, needed attention. 
So I put on my nurses hat. 
My heart fell when he called it a "distraction"
That's not where I was at. 

And I remembered:
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven. 
And I turned within. 
And before too long, my heart felt strong. 
The outside got in order again!
So seek ye first 
Because inside of you's the kingdom of heaven! 

I wish you all my very best wishes as we all move forward with the next phase of our journey's.

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