
Saturday 6 May 2017

DAN FURST on Health Astrocartography

Today, I received an email mentioning the work of Dan Furst and his work with "Health Astrocartography". I like Astrocatography, I found that it was incredibly accurate in my own life and the lives of others that had their charts done. 


The astrocartography is completely different to a birth chart. So for instance everything that the chart showed for Sydney, Australia when I lived there for a year, turned out to be totally accurate. I blossom in the sunshine, and sunny climates. My olive skin loves the sunshine. Anyway, if you are interested in health astrocartography, you might like to listen to what Dan Furst has to say about it. 

Part 1 


When you have a chart done, it gives you a map of the world, and indications of where you can be most successful in different areas of your life.

So for instance some people might be more interested in their career, or relationships, or health in different phases of their life.

The chart will show you exactly where is most suitable for you, and it will also bring in different views and aspects that you may not have considered before. So for instance media success was shown for yours truly in Sydney, Australia, although it was also excellent for my health and writing about health and healing.

In my chart, the most successful relationships were shown with people from Germany, South Africa or Hawaii, although the three different countries produced different people offering different types of relationships. Sometimes those people came in via healing, for support, or due to the important connections that would manifest due to it.

So for instance Michael that is mentioned in the book of Daniel, was born in South Africa, and was living in the USA, the book of Daniel mentions how he was sent to work with me, prior to the man from Greece arriving and returning to Greece. Michael came into my life in 2007, almost as soon as I arrived on an American forum, and we met in 2008 in Florida, prophecy fulfilled. Michael passed over in June 2010, although I gave him all of the help that I could prior to that.

During my life I also had business contacts with people from Germany and South Africa and a Reiki healer once invited yours truly to Hawaii anytime that I would like to go to that country. It's fascinating when you look back over the previous decades to see how people from different locations have manifested in your life.

Another healer that had a chart done, had worked in South Africa, although I kept on telling her that her partner was in Australia. She had a chart done, and it showed up in the astrocartogaphy chart too.

Then as life turned out, an Englishman, was living in Australia, and he tracked her down via yours truly, they ended up getting married. What I had told the healer clairvoyantly, was confirmed by the chart, and then it really did happen for her when the Englishman living in Australia came looking for her. How miraculous was that? How wonderful it is when a person comes looking for you.

I had a strong connection with her dad, and it was due to yours truly that he received "length of days", his life was extended. Another health miracle, as I had identified that he had to be taken to hospital as soon as possible. As soon as I looked into his eyes, I knew that he had to have medical treatment immediately.

Interesting that Dan Furst mentions an earlier generation in this video.

Part 2

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