
Monday 15 May 2017


In this video, the doctor explains that lumbosacral spine x-rays and MRI will not show the coccyx.

He says that a special request has to be made, an order for coccyx views or  MRI. The doctor also says that the best position for the imaging of the coccyx is in the sitting position and that these x-rays should then be compared to non-weight bearing films with patient standing or lying to the side.

However, the top orthopaedic surgeons in the UK have said that "x-rays are useless".

Pain in the coccyx is known as "ccoccydynia" and it can often begin with childbirth, as mine did. Although when I was younger I only felt any coccyx pain while walking, if I had walked too far for the bodies resistance to it, I would receive a sharp pain, like a warning sign.

It probably also impacts more on women who might have a womb that leans backwards too. As far as I remember at least 25% of women have this type of womb. Not all wombs are the same.


Of course, it doesn't help if you also had a traumatic time while giving birth. For instance, I had to have an emergency forceps delivery and 36 stitches.

I also carried an 8lb 13oz baby that was laying on the nerve for two weeks, as I had gone full-term. When a baby is full-term, it puts on a pound a week, that is a lot of weight for a mother to carry, especially if she has a small bone structure as I do.

The maternity ward refused to admit yours truly, when the baby was laying on the nerve, so I just had to suffer, and I could hardly walk without assistance.

In 2002, while in the gym doing floor exercises, I felt something go, and I couldn't go to the gym after that due to the pain in the lower back and hips. After that I had a "trapped nerve" for the first time, and had to receive chiropractic treatment to release it. At that time, the first x-rays were taken of the back.

For the next few years I had Reiki healing, Chiropractic treatments, and Alexander Technique, when I could afford to pay for it, and that kept me mobile.

Although the coccyx pain increased to an excruciating level after an injury of going back onto a hard flat surface, e. g. an accident in the bath. The back condition then became serious, because it began to seriously impact upon my mobility, and life.

Today, when I woke up the pain was excruciating, and you wonder how you will get through the day.

When sitting, it is best to lean forwards, so that you put as little weight on the coccyx as possible. That often means sitting on the edge of your seat.

If you suffer from coccyx pain you may also find that you experience "sciatica". If you do experience sciatica due to this condition, I recommend "Inversion Therapy", as the inversion therapy helps to stretch the back, I only do partial inversion, although that was enough to put a stop to the sciatica.

Twice a day for six weeks of inversion therapy, really helped that condition of the nervous system, after six weeks the sciatica was gone. Although it did come back if I stopped doing inversion, so I did inversion again, and touch wood, I haven't had any sciatica since.

I have my own inversion table that was bought for me by a merciful and charitable person that is close to my heart. He knew that I was suffering immensely, and he did everything that he could to help.

Please note that if you have any other serious health conditions, you should consult your doctor prior to doing inversion. 

I also found that it helped to strengthen my muscles and ligaments in my body, and you can really feel it working.

Of course when you get up in the morning, and you have serious coccyx pain, the last thing you would like to do is get on your inversion table. 

It's natural to just go for a pain killer, to give your muscles a rest from it as doctors recommend that you take pain relief to give the muscles a rest. Although most pain killers have side effects and can have an even more destructive impact upon other areas of your body. Some pain killers can also be addictive as Prince and other celebrities found out.

So I tend to get up, do the daily, have a drink, and see how I feel once the body has had some movement to it. If the pain lessens, I try not to take any pharmaceuticals, if I can get through the day without. I listen to my body and what my body is telling me, today it is telling me that my body has had too much activity, and I must rest up. 

The coccyx doesn't like being in one position for long. Movement is good for it, although you have to get the balance just right, because if you overdo the movement, you find that you suffer even more excruciating pain like I am this morning.

So for instance, in the last week, due to what I've had to do, my body has had more movement than usual, and then I suffer afterwards, much more. So my going out is limited, by the mobility of my body, and what activity it can manage while the coccyx is causing such distress to the body.

In this reality, activity causes distress, to coccyx, and then I suffer for it afterwards. However, you have to have some activity, because you have to have a balance between rest and movement. Of course it does help if you have a vehicle to drive, because that means that you don't have to walk very far or stand for any length of time to get a bus.

If I could afford it financially, I would definitely have a car for mobility reasons, that would certainly help yours truly a lot. 

I am working on the condition with healing foods to alleviate pain levels, I rest after a time of exertion, sometimes I bath, sometimes I do my inversion. Sometimes I just move around frequently.

So far the doctors haven't been able to provide any relief from it, they can only give you pharmaceuticals, and that is why I had to do something to help myself, while the doctors locally carry on with their investigations of my body.

Interesting that in Judaism there is a legend about what is referred to as the "Luz Bone" and a discussion between Joshua and Hadrian about the world to come.

And I noticed that they had been discussing it on a Christian forum.


The Jewish orthodox men they do make me smile when I read some of the conclusions that they come too.

How can they interpret scripture unless they comprehend spiritual symbology and are mystics like those that penned the texts?  They try to understand spiritual texts in a way that is different to the mystics that live the reality of what they try to comprehend. Only once you have lived it, can you truly comprehend the mystical power of it. Academic minds tend to complicate that which is much easier to understand. Don't complicate the texts, by making your understanding of them complicated for people to understand.

Get your nuts on, it's walnuts again today. I might have some coffee and walnut cake with Greek yogurt, fennel seeds, poppy seeds and sesame with a nice cup of coffee. As gran Sophia used to say, a little of what you fancy does you good.

Interesting that my poppy seeds are important in Jewish cooking. So I shall do more cooking that includes poppy seeds, I do like a curry with poppy seeds, although I think seeds are best eaten fresh, just my intuition with the seeds.

Big smiles

Poppy seeds have been proven to metabolise very quickly, my breakfast certainly worked fast.


I am continuing with the poppy seeds and it does feel that they help a lot. Did you know that they put poppy seeds into pain killing pharmaceuticals, that was a discovery wasn't it. 

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