
Tuesday 16 May 2017


Tommy Robinson has joined Rebel UK Media, a subsidiary of a Canadian media company.

As a recent post shared, "Save Tommy", due to the fact that the police have arrested Tommy again.

In this video he tells his story and it is heartrending how this man and his family have been "terrorised" and "persecuted" by the British police force.

He was banned from giving this speech five times by various universities. In this speech he shares his experiences with the state funded police force. Seriously, listen to his story, and what they have been doing to his life. They even arrested his wife when she was pregnant and questioned her for eight hours. It brings tears to his eyes to even think of it again, and speak of it.

They've raided his home, his mother's home and invaded the space and privacy of other members of his family. They tried to get his stag night cancelled, to stop him entering America where he was to attend a meeting with American politicians. They arrested him to stop him speaking at Oxford University, they arrested him to stop him speaking at the House of Lords.

They froze his assets, and put restrictions on where he could and could not go, they tried to take a huge amount of money from him, they even arrested him and a friend while walking innocently on a charity walk.

Please give your support to Tommy Robinson, in defence of freedom of speech and his human rights.

Robinson gave this speech at the York Free Speech Forum, this is the banned speech that the police tried to stop Tommy from sharing.

It's a big thank you to Canada that have done their utmost to help Tommy Robinson, to raise the money for a top QC to defend him. Whistleblowers are entitled to protection, make sure TR and his family receive the protection that is required to keep them all safe.

We must defend freedom of speech, it is a universal human right, article 19. Last night I was cooking no yeast bread rolls with yogurt and olives, the LORD said happily, "Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim". 


Another British journalist, as given an interview in America where he is currently living, and working. Academics have tried to ban his speeches too, some people just don't like to hear a different view to their own. Milo shares in this interview that he has to have a protection team of navy seals when he gives a presentation on campus.

These journalists are dauntless, and deserve our utmost support. Tommy Robinson is like a British bulldog, the emblem of Winston Churchill, once he gets his teeth into something, he does not let go, freedom for our people is his goal. And Milo is like a high-speed train that does not stop at the station. Remember what the Son of God said, only the law that brings freedom is worthy of you, only that which brings freedom is the true law.

Another journalist from the UK team of journalists. Caolan Robertson is working with Tommy Robinson and Rebel Media UK.

Milo is launching his own media and entertainment enterprise. Milo Inc. 

These are young people that shall not be silenced, as the universal declaration of human rights, article 19 defends their human right to share the facts and the truth. 

I remember the dream of a high speed train that was coming towards me, and I saw a Tommy the tank engine sign giving the direction to the train to turn right. The high speed train certainly did that, and I had that dream prior to discovering Milo and his work, and the Canadians and what they were doing to defend freedom in the west. 

The theme tune that used to be associated with investigative journalism and the freedom to report on what really matters.

Freedom of speech is essential, that is why I began to defend it on-line 17 years ago, as such, I will continue to defend those that stand for freedom of speech. For these young people are defending our historic cultures, and our human rights in the west.

It is an historic timeline, of energising people to innovate change to ensure that freedom is a reality that is upheld. For as the Son of Joseph used to sing to his family in England, "BORN FREE".

He was a newspaper man, he was also a justice of the peace and he knew what the police were capable of and that was one of the reasons that he became a JP. The Son of Joseph made sure justice was done when he was sitting on the bench, and his daughter says, there must be justice for Tommy Robinson and his family.


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