
Saturday 27 May 2017


I've just seen this, author Robert Spencer was poisoned in Iceland on the 11th of May, 2017. In this video he tells the story of what happened after his presentation. His medical report confirmed that multiple drugs had been slipped into Spencer's drink and the medical report as been posted on line.

He mentions the "character assassination" that people have suffered due to having the courage to tell the truth. When they then can't close you down, and your freedom of speech, you then receive "death threats", and as we know some people have even been assassinated. Like the film director in Holland.

What happened in Iceland was an attempt to assassinate Robert Spencer.

In England, Katie Hopkins has been sacked by LBC, the same radio station that pulled the plug on yours truly, when I tried to speak to them. Just two words that I spoke triggered their presenter all over the place. LBC close down freedom of speech that they don't like. Katie Hopkins was sacked over a tweet on the Manchester situation. Feelings are running high over what happened in Manchester, and people like Theresa May don't like having to admit that they are partly responsible for the huge influx of immigrants that are co-creating what happened. 

As far as I am concerned the Muslim Libyan family should have all returned to Libya as soon as it was safe to do so. Had the Libyan family been returned to their homeland, that would have been one more Muslim family off of our streets. Now after the most recent Egyptian Copts attack, Egypt is firing at Libya training camps.

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