
Sunday 16 April 2017


In the garden of your life, what do you find? Do you find the memories of being with aromatic flowers and herbs? Were you given the key to your heart while resting in your garden?

What memories do flowers and herbs have for you, and the times in your life when you were compelled to be in nature amongst the fragrance of it.

It's great that outdoor plants will grow indoors with the right care, they can grow sturdy and strong. It can be like growing in a green house when there is plenty of sunshine and light.

I found it interesting that prior to and during this passover in 2017, I was compelled to make sure that my home was fragrant with rosemary, sage, mint, bay leaf, lavender and an olive tree.

Biblically, the leaves are for healing the nations. Leaves for cooking and leaves for healing, the restoration and the garden where you have happy memories, as you create new ones.

Where the past, present and future united as one, in the importance of what you carried with you in your blessed heart of love.


The gifts that your grandparents, and parents gave to you, and the garden of love and tenderness that they created for you. Were you fortunate enough to have such a blessing in your life? Then how did that manifest in your life, were you attracted to flower essences and aromatherapy oils for nurturing you and others? Were you intuitive enough to do so?

Did you cook with herbs, and eat herbs naturally. How important were they to your life, and did you comprehend the importance of the love that was being shared with you?

Did you create a garden that was safe for your children to be in, and did other children come to be in your garden because they were welcome to be in your garden? Children love to dig in the garden, my son used to go out into the garden where I could see him digging through the patio doors. It would remind yours truly of how I would dig in my gran's garden.

He also liked to pick flowers, and sometimes would pick flowers on his way home from school to give to his mum. Treasured memories in my heart, of love so strong. He clearly saw all of the times in my life when I gave the gift of flowers to my mum, and to friends, how the giving was appreciated.

Children certainly live what they learn, so make sure that you fill the garden of your life with love for all the children to see, how colourful it can be, when you are free.

Above are just some of the examples of my mandala's with flowers in the mandala's, each painting is unique, and different for the individual soul that they were gifted too. Scans of the original artwork and it is has been a wonderful journey in the healing arts.


The message received in December 2016 

Do you know why the Olives are so important to your body? 

Historically, I always ate the most olives when I was in Greece and in the Greek Islands, olives are brilliant for boosting the collagen in your body, so interesting that I really began to eat olives a lot more after I was sent to Greece and the Greek Islands. In Greece, we ate the olives with every meal, whether as a starter, a side dish and/or in our Greek salads. 

In hindsight, into the past, my collagen was being boosted prior to having surgery in my 20's. Really incredible, the garden of life. 

Then prior to having surgery in December 2016, the LORD spoke of the OLIVE. Hence the importance of the Olive to yours truly. 

Having an olive tree in my home, is a constant reminder of the LORD's message, and how much his message about specific nutrients helped my body to heal, by giving it the boosters that it required, when the body required it the most. The healing journey of my life was in his hands, as he knew what I required before I did.

Always for divine purpose, always had a reason for being, and to help others to gain from my divine experience in the garden of my life. Everything that was positive spiritually, was to help people with their health and healing. What I can say is that my spiritual journey has been intensely positive with the power of love.

I still remember being on a Greek Island, that Princess Diana arrived on too, there I met an elderly  Greek man and his donkeys, that we were on. I asked him if he had ever been to other countries in Europe, he replied, "no".

I then asked him if he had ever been to the Greek mainland and he again replied, "no".

He then explained, his life and how much his little island meant to him, how he had the sunshine, the oranges and the lemons, the olives, and how beautiful women come to visit him on his island. He asked, "why would I ever wish to leave this?

I had to agree with him, that his simple life was beautiful, and idyllic and while I was on that island, I knew instinctively, that this was not the first time that I had visited that island, in a different lifetime, I had been there before. Hence, the Greek people are always in my heart, while I was on that island, I listened to this for the first time, overlooking the bay, and the ripples of water with the sunshine sparkling upon it. The music touched the heart of my soul deeply.

The stories of the Greek farmers, and fisherman from the islands in the late 70's, had a profound impact upon my life and worldview. I saw with my own eyes, the beauty that they could see, the beauty that they lived with daily in their lives. The peacefulness and joy that they had on their own shores with the sparkling azure waters, surrounding them. 


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