
Wednesday 5 April 2017



People in the UK should be outraged by the amount of fish that is dumped due to EU quotas. Photographs of what is happening in our waters have been published with the story at the Daily Express. Is it any wonder that fish is so expensive in the UK? We have to build fish farms and get our fisheries back.

The price of salmon keeps on going up. Yesterday I was able to get some trout only because it had been reduced in price. Although I did have a £1 in money of mussels for my joints yesterday.  Eat plenty of mussels for your joints Nigel Farage. If mussels are good enough for dogs for their joints, they are good enough for us.

The prices of smoked mackerel vary, in some places it is a £1 more for two fish, a £1 more than in other places.

Greek yogurt has gone up a £1 a pot since BREXIT, some people are just taking advantage of the change forthcoming, before it has even been fully implemented. How can they justify that huge increase in a week? It's now £5 for a large pot of Greek yogurt.

The same happened when countries went into the EU currency, some companies and businesses saw it as an opportunity to increase prices substantially and that caused a lot of economic suffering for those member states. It also happened when the UK decimalised, prices shot up overnight, and everything was being rounded up on in price.

So shall we dump Greek yogurt for increasing its price? I will let you know in a few months, I am still working with it to assess it's impact on the health of my body. 


More silliness from the LGBT charity too, in the UK we have laws and included in those laws is that a person has to put whether their male or female on their passports. As passports are about to change due to BREXIT, the LGBT charity are now saying that they should be able to put X on their passports instead of M or F. Why should all of the UK, pander to a tiny minority that supports an Islamic ideology that is intent on cultural genocide of our nations?

Do the LGBT have any common sense? Why would they wish to identify themselves as X on their passports, that's like "Nazi Germany" putting a sign on Jewish people to identify them, prior to them being slaughtered by the Germans and Muslims in WW2.

For goodness sake, who is advising that charity on what to do, and what actions to take? Why would the LGBT community wish to make themselves anymore vulnerable than they are already?

Do you know that during the history of the Jewish people they changed their names so that they would be safe? Do you know that Jewish people married Christians so that both could be grafted in together, to help each other to live and survive the Arab agenda that was planned by Arabs in ancient times? Even Nostradamus knew about the Arab agenda, because there are some Arabs that are in the spiritual light, and they shared the truth with that mystic about Isis etc.

In the Jesus prophecies it mentions this timeline of it being like the time of Noah and Lot. Luke 17 and there has been two earthquakes in Botswana in recent days and major flooding in Columbia. 

If young people wish to be safe, they better start listening fast. Metal detectors and dogs are now on guard in Russia, and metal detectors have been install in London. Seriously, what took them so long?

So how will the LGBT community approach that? Being searched at stations and airports? Being stripped down at airports, what then? Male or female? 

What did Carl Jung say about it? He said that "a man should live as a man and a woman as a woman". (Women in Europe, 1927). However, that doesn't seem to stop academics trying to make Carl Jung's work fit the "trans-gender agenda", and they don't like it when they get called out on it. 

So much for critical analysis if the academics can't even present Carl Jung's work accurately. Carl Jung studied comparative spiritual philosophies including the shamans, to develop his philosophy, and Jung knew the true meaning of the word "psychology". Some even write that Jung didn't give any predictions, when in fact he did do so.

Jung chose to support what was known as "gnosticism", and as we know even in Jung's time, the Church had an issue with it. Maybe if Jung's work that aligns with what is in the bible that is an alchemical manuscript, Jung's work would have had a lot more support. His speciality was the "Study of the Soul", and those that know their bibles, know what Jesus said about the soul.

However, I do think those people that comprehend the rite of passage, and initiations, enabled his work to take on a life of its own. And just look at what happened with his word, "synchronicity", child psychologist, and author, James Redfield, made that soar like a rocket with his book the "Celestine Prophecy".

What I remember about James Redfield and Salle when I met them both in Sydney, how humble hearted they both were compared to the other authors that I met that day.

At least Professor Jordan Peterson gets it on the difference between men and women.

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