
Thursday 27 April 2017


It was Easter 2017, that I had a dream of ANTIFA, it was a nightmare, they were on the "attack" and a woman dressed in black with a hijab was in the lead of the "attack".

A lot has happened since then, immediately I posted that I had the nightmare a moderator on a public forum deleted the sharing.

After the 15th of April a public statement was posted by the Mayor of Berkeley office due to the "violence", that has taken place in that location.

A talk by a best selling American author and Conservative commentator, Ann Coulter, has been cancelled due to the involvement by UC Berkeley. The second event by a Conservative speaker to be cancelled in a matter of months.

On Monday this week, the 24th, the Young Republicans and their lawyer issued legal action against UC Berkeley. The lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, a San Francisco attorney who represents the Berkeley College Republicans, filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco.



During her press conference to the media about the case, she provides an excellent presentation of her case against UC Berkeley and its "discrimination" against Conservative speakers. Harmeet goes into the case in some depth, and she is certainly worth listening to if you are interested in what is happening on the campuses in America.

The Sikh lawyer puts her case brilliantly in upholding American constitutional law. The lawyer also shares with us that there are multiple lawyers looking into suing both the Mayor and the police department due to what has happened at Berkeley previously. With Jupiter in Libra, it is appropriate for justice to be done.

In this video, Republican students speak to the media with their lawyer, in defence of freedom of speech and I think that the students also did an excellent job of responding to the questions from the media.

In addition to American constitutional law, there is also the matter of international law, and Article 19, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This legal case is not only important to the students at UC Berkeley, it is important to all campuses in America and beyond. For freedom of speech is essential for truth and facts to be shared in debate and discussion because they are publicly funded venues and institutions. Creation evolves, and evolution creates.

Going back to the nightmare about ANTIFA, yesterday, I also noticed that in France they were "attacking" the police force when they were protecting a presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen just prior to the first round of the election and have continued with their "violence" afterwards.

How do we respond? Legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

Did you know that in California it is against the law to cover your face? In California, every member of ANTIFA that covers their face can be arrested. The lawyers are saying that the police have to uphold the law in California.

In France the burka is also banned, and in the UK, UKIP stand for banning it in the UK following on and in agreement with other European countries. These facts must be shared with Americans.

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