
Monday 24 April 2017


A wife of a man that went to help what he thought were refugees, discovered that a majority of the people that he went to process, are not refugees at all. It was traumatic for him to see how the men were treating women and children.

It has completely changed his view of the situation and he came home saying that he doesn't know how Europe is going to cope. Listen to his wife give her report on LBC.

It is not only traumatic for the people involved in trying to process the people arriving on boats and planes, it is traumatic for people living in close proximity to people from other cultures that are not compatible with our own. 

In France the people have a clear choice, to choose an anti-establishment party and an anti-EU party, as Europe as to close its borders completely. Enough, really is enough. Our people should not be traumatised by an economic migrant invasion of Muslims. The people's of Europe must say no to "cultural genocide".


More sad news from London today, this time a 17 year old cyclist. BREAKING NEWS, the police report that its the fourth incident this month and the eighth this year in London. All of them teenagers. There is also a video on the news link that includes an elderly woman that had her back broken in four places on her way home from work. She is now living in a wheelchair due to what men did to her. 

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