
Sunday 23 April 2017

St Georges Day - Chocolate Bonbons

Last night I was compelled to make chocolates, dates with cashew nuts and almonds. They look like chocolate bon bons. Home made sweets high in protein and fibre for St Georges Day, it's lovely to make your own chocolates.

The first reports of bonbons came from the 17th century, when they were made at the French royal court. The word "Bon" meaning "good". Best wishes to France and their election, best wishes to Marine Le Pen.

Paul Nuttall, the leader of UKIP has announced a proposed ban on the Burka and Sharia law in the UK, due to two reports that have been shared on the Muslim communities in the UK.

What UKIP are recommending is in line with a majority of the people in Europe. Nuttall views the burka has a security risk, and also an Islamic dress code that stops women getting jobs. He shares that 22% of Muslim women don't work due to the burka. He should've also mentioned that it is a health risk to children too, as it has been found that burka families also have "rickets".

In Judaism, it is 27 Nissan 5777, Omer: Day 12 - Hod sheb'Gevurah, Tonight Count 13. The day in history of the uprising in Warsaw.

Classical orchestral music for what I shall call "Bonbon Day".

Seven times Elijah said, "Go back", the seventh time the servant reported, "a cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea". 1 Kings 18.

Interesting that Nigel Farage lives on the coastline, and likes to fish. Nigel Farage has decided not to stand in the UK election, but to continue to lead the party of MEP's in the European parliament. As that has always been his main focus, to obtain BREXIT and now to see it through until the end.

Paul Nuttall says that he hasn't decided yet whether he will stand in the election, and Arron Banks said that he would stand in Clacton. I agree with Nigel Farage that it is up to the British government to defend the realm and successive governments on both sides have not done that. Although UKIP have done their best to defend our culture.

Julian Assange is also considering about standing in the election. Perhaps he should stand against Jeremy Corbyn. When he stood in Australia for the senate, he won 42,000 votes. Go for it Julian.

Have a great St Georges day today everyone. Let us celebrate St Georges Day

This is my England

So what's for breakfast on St George's Day?

Cheese and Eggs.

I made a lovely heart shaped omelet with sesame seeds on the top.

I shall have some soup for lunch, with a salad plate, and a light fish supper.

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