
Monday 10 April 2017


Two days on the trot I had dreams of neighbours. In this morning's dream, the front door of a person's flat had been left open, I could hear the shower, the person was in the shower.

So I wrote a note for the person. Then that person got out of the shower and we spoke, they were happy with their painting, and message that was delivered.

As we know Sunday, was Palm Sunday and the message is about neighbours, people living closely.

Then I woke up because the phone was ringing for a long time. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of the sound of a shower or taking a shower, is a good omen of coming prosperity. If your dream included a picture, or painting it can indicate that changes are coming. The timing of dreams can be important, and as we know Palm Sunday is important to Christians, as it is the day that it is said that Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey.

It is written by Christians that the donkey is a "donkey of peace", when in fact, if they knew their scriptures, the donkey is a "beast of burden", due to it having to carry so much weight. Palm Sunday, the palms that were considered to be a symbol of triumph and victory in Greco-Roman culture.

Interesting that I was eating leaves yesterday, spinach, coriander leaves and chives. With avocado, and egg mayonnaise with spring onions.  Hemp oil, and balsamic vinegar and I did have some red wine, I was compelled to have some red wine last night.


In Judaism it is passover, between the 10th-18th, so yesterday's dream about one of my neighbours was on Palm Sunday, and the dream this morning about a different neighbour was on the day that the Jewish passover holidays begin. A festival of freedom, eight days of passover. In Judaism it celebrates the time when the Israelites left Egypt and in Hebrew it is known as Pesach.

The 10th of April is the "Day of Daring" in numerics.

Remember the story of the washing, in John 9? A combination of neighbours and the washing, both realities are found in John 9. Singer has uploaded a video today, I wrote to him that only Hashem can send his Jewish brother to him, and that love is the path of no return to the old way of being. Once loving kindness comes into your life, your life changes immeasurably, just like mine did. His magnanimous love is truly awesome and he catapults you into a different dimension. 

As we know, in the King David prophecies, he revealed that three instruments would come, and the first was loving kindness, a Jewish man, that many of his own did not accept. John 9 refers to Jesus as the "Son of Man", and a "Prophet", in fact the term "Son of Man" is often given as a term of endearment for a prophet. Daniel and Ezekiel were both referred to as "Son of Man". 

However, I did see a video that a different rabbi had uploaded and he said that the one known as Jesus returned many times and on the final time, when they did accept him, he basically, told them to stuff it, and relayed the story of Lot, about not going back to that Jewish city. Some of the Jewish orthodox still laugh about it today, and you have to laugh at his audacity to call them out again and again, even when he left and prophecy did say that he would leave via northern Israel.

Then there is Luke 17 that is a prophecy about a different timeline, when it mentioned the future, and how when the "Son of Man" is revealed it would be like the time of Noah and Lot. That then links in with the "Revealer of Mysteries". 

Interesting that after I left London, I never did go back to live in that big city. I never went back to Sydney either after the testimony of warning had been delivered, although I only lived there for a year. Sometimes we can be sent to locations for all sorts of reasons and the connections are often important in the panoramic view of your life. Funny then, a social circle kept on asking me to go back, and in the end I told them to stuff it too. That was the last time I saw any of them.

Dreams are fascinating aren't they? Powerful messages can be delivered in dream state. In this timeline of Jupiter being closest to our planet, a time of expansion between now and September.

It is a time of opportunities when doors are open for the neighbours in our local communities, so soak up those lovely warm showers, and know that you are blessed to receive the water and that you can bless the water too. For that is what healers do, bless the water, harmonic epiphany. I sense that we have a heat wave coming, and that is why the door was open.

In that painting above, I can see the lazuli blue, and the heavenly blue, with the flower that is open to receive the dew. I can also see the crocus and the saffron that is great for eyes. No coincidence then that John 9 mentions neighbours, washing, and the eyes. It also mentions the timeline when it was the end of the begging.


The paint was spread for that painting in 2016, it was also in 2016 that I was given a plate of saffron just before I was going into hospital for an operation.

In 2017, I was gifted with two pairs of new glasses, and I am really pleased with the glasses. New sun glasses, and new glasses with different frames. Do you have improved eyesight in 2017?

Onwards and upwards,  I will have to get a new photograph next. I think it's time don't you?

There is a lot of lavender in that painting too, amazing, how things turn out when you start restoring again, as I now have lavender inside my home, with the rosemary, and mint. Interesting that I was given instructions about the mint in the mid 90's, it was a strange message. Although I did deliver it with the prophecies that I had been given to deliver in the lectures at the exhibitions.

Sweet aromatics, sweet sounds of music, great fragrances and vibrations. Art in all of its realities, immense colour to uplift the receiver. The sound and music of Medwyn will always remind yours truly of working at the spiritual exhibitions in the 90s'. Flowers, aromatherapy oils, flower essences, and a lot more, once they are in your heart, they are always in your heart.

Cheers for passover, stay strong in heart and Spirit.

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