
Tuesday 11 April 2017

Israeli Feminists -v- Israeli Facts

Feminists -v facts in Israel, 46% of women are injured in the IDF. Life changing injuries, that impact upon their short, medium and long term health.

Women are not built like men, the sooner that women accept that fact, the better for everyone.

Women were not built for combat in a war zone. A retired IDF officer gives the facts, a woman gives her testimony, and the feminists react as usual. When will the Israeli feminists turn their hearts to the children, and be real females that care fully for children. For the deeds of the fathers impact upon the next three to four generations.

The Israeli women that like to confront the men when they are sharing the facts of the harm experienced by women, while trying to be a man, doing a man's job. It is the end of the life as 46% of those young women have known it, once they've been in the IDF, their lives are changed immeasurably. What greater gift can a woman give than her love and capacity to nurture the male energies and the children? Why is that not respectful enough for you Israelis?

You feminists can't even match the training requirements for a man to enter the IDF, so how can you possibly be equal to a man physically? Men and women were made differently, for very important reasons. Even men come out of the army shell shot, and some don't come home at all. We had family members that never came home from WW1 and 2.

Have you ever been out with an ex-army officer and seen him having nightmares years after he left the military combat?  Have you ever lived with post-trauma that manifested due to being in the military? Israeli feminists think they're tough don't they, until it's all over, and they're faced with their injuries due to the combat.

How about America?

2nd day of passover for the Jewish people, and in numerics today it is the "Day of Star". 

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